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"I remember our last moment, exactly" She said while inhaling and exhaling another time.

Her eyes slowly moved over me and then over the officer. The officer sat down and I laced my fingers with Tini's again.

"It was a few years ago, I had my first gymnastics game. She promised me she'd watch. And yes, she was there for the entire match. Just like she promised" Her eyes were closed, thinking about what she was going to say.

"I won. I became first place and I got a golden medaille. I remember standing on that stage, with that golden thingy around my neck. She was there, right in front of me taking pictures with the brightest smile on her face" She smiled, her eyes smiled.

"She was the one supporting me when I wanted to give up. She was the reason I could even play that match. I remember walking off the stage, running in her arms."

"She lifted me in her arms and smiled at me. And then, then she said something that could've made me realise she was leaving." She said slowly.

"What did she say" I asked, sitting on the edge of my chair.

"She said that I should never give up, even when she wasn't there. And of course I didn't think she was leaving, I thought she meant when she was working or something. But the next morning I woke up, and she was gone" She looked down, her hands were shaky.

"The only thing she left was a note saying; I had to go, I'm sorry. That was the last thing we've got from her" Tini squeezed my hand tight while she surpressed the tears in her eyes.

"But that wasn't the last time I saw her" She continued, inhaling again.

"Huh?" I asked, confused. There was so much about this girl which had been caught up inside of her.

"When my mother left us I was sad and lost, just like my father. We didn't know why she left. I didn't go to school anymore and I cried for days. But there was one thing I did, I didn't give up. I continued my gymnastics, and withing only 3 months my abilities raised big time and I became a higher level gymnast"

"I had a match, it was a 2 hour drive from the place where me and my dad were living. He couldn't be there, unable to make it. I still went, because I couldn't give up. I did all the seperate parts of gymnastics and nervously waited for the results in the dressing room." Her lips pressed onto each other before she continued telling.

"I became second, and I was really happy. But that's when I saw her, holding onto the arm of her new boyfriend. I stood on that stage, tears in my eyes. But that wasn't the worst part. When we were supposed to go off the stage, I saw the girl with the golden medaille run right into my mother's arms."

"I remember feeling like every single cell in my body broke down. Tears crashed out of my eyes and I ran to the dressing room. She started a new life in 3 months already, why couldn't me and my dad do it? Another thing is that she must've seen me for sure. She took the pictures of the first, second and third place. But she didn't say anything to me, not even a glance, not even a apologise" Her eyes cried and her hands were shaking.

I wrapped my hands around her and placed a kiss on them. She gave me one of those weak smiles of hers.

"That was the last time I saw her" She whispered, the height of her head lowered. The water in her eyes rose and rose.

I claimed her body with my arms while she leaned her head against my shoulder. I gave the officer a sign that I was going to take her to her room on which he nodded kindly.

I tilted Tini in my arms and held her small body. Together with her we walked inside of her hospital room and I layed her down on the soft pillow.

"I didn't know that about you" I whispered while I kneeled down on the ground next to her bed.

"I never told anyone, only dad" She whispered in response, her eyes were already closed. I kissed her forehead slowly before standing up.

"Goodnight" I said before I sat down in a chair somewhere in the room.


As my hand touched her hair, Tini's eyes jumped open. They looked right into mine.

"Hey" She whispered, her eyes scanned every inch of my face. My lips formed a smile before I kissed her cheek and stroke my hand over her forehead.

"Does it still hurt?" I questioned her, lifting the white blanket from her wound. The stitches were clearly visible.

I took her hand under mine and stroke her own fingers over her wound.

She locked her eyes on our hands, focusing deeply on it. She was trying to resist to flinch but I knew it hurt.

I quickly released our hands from the wound. "I want to get out of here" She said, her eyes gave of a serious look.

"Tomorrow its Monday, you won't go to school, I won't let you. You need at least another week of rest" I strictly told her, knowing she'd be stubborn enough to just go to school tomorrow.

Her mouth let out an unamusive sigh but agreed. "Fine" She answered shortly.

"We could go for a walk if you want" She shook her head while her eyes stared at the ground.

"I don't want to walk! I don't want to be here! I don't want anything anymore! My dad is getting arrested, my mom is lost and I almost died, can you imagine how I feel?" I stared at her in shock.

"No you can't Jorge! You're family is great, perfect! You could fit in anywhere you want, because everyone likes you! And you know why!?" I shook my head lightly, still hopelessly staring at her angry eyes.

"Because you're normal. And I, I'm different" She said before pushing me off the bed. I looked at her sadly, not believing she was sending me away.

"Go" She whispered underneath her breath. My sighg lowered at the ground. "Go" The tone of her voice rose and her eyes got fiercer.

Not wanting to risk any more, I left the hospital room.

I was hurt.


new chapterrrr!

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