Act; 25 [End]

862 96 17

"Unspoken Words"
Wendy to Irene

An Ending Story

Can you tell me, how can one miss what she's never had?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Can you tell me, how can one miss what she's never had?

How could I reminisce when there is not past?

How could I have memories of being happy with you, girl?

Can someone tell me how can this be?

Dear :
Bae Irene

Jika saja kita tidak bertemu,

Jika saja kamu tidak memberikanku perasaan hangat yang tidak bisa kujelaskan,

Alasanku untuk tersenyum,

Bahkan menangis hanya dengan mendengar namamu.

How could my mind pull up incidents

Recall dates and times that never happened?

How could we celebrate love that's too late

And how could I really mean the words I'm about to say?


Mungkin sejak awal pertemuan kita adalah sebuah kesalahan.

Kita, adalah kesalahan.

Dua perasaan yang bahkan tidak diizinkan tuhan dan dunia.

Aku, adalah kesalahan.

I miss the times that we almost shared,

I miss the love that was almost there,

I miss the times that we used to kiss,

At least in my dreams just let me take my time and reminisce,

I miss the times that we never had,

What happen to us, we were almost there.

Who ever said it's impossible to miss

What you never had, never almost had you

Unspoken Words | WenRene ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang