After the Tragedy buzz died down, everyone went back to their normal lives and some even had kids. The three leaders of the 'Future Hope' group decided to open this ask book.
//; This book includes children for all three main games, DRAE and the a...
"Shouldn't you hide those things a little better? Any jackass wanting to cause trouble could just press them, and destroy you before you even had time to react. Like, would you fear destruction if you were, say for example, still functioning, and were thrown into a trash compactor? Would you be fine with being crunched into scrap metal, knowing that you were being thrown away?"
"Zetsubo, explain"
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"We do hide them. When we go out somewhere, we only keep them showing when we're in the safety of the base!"
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"Yeah, we don't really have a problem with showing them in the base, everyone's friends here!"
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"As for the second part... No..."
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"But people in this area seem to be fascinated with us robots. Though Zetsubo and Nao were taken apart at one point to see how they worked..."
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"But with the help of Yuto and the gang that built us we were put back together rather quickly... So the me you're seeing now is really... Z3T-5UB0 2.0. And if you guys ever met Nao, you'll be seeing N-A0 2.0!"
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"They'll meet Nao at some point. I'm sure they wouldn't mind answering some questions"
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"Nao is pretty antisocial though..."
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"That's true..."
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