After the Tragedy buzz died down, everyone went back to their normal lives and some even had kids. The three leaders of the 'Future Hope' group decided to open this ask book.
//; This book includes children for all three main games, DRAE and the a...
"Um... Yona, I'm kind of out of the loop here. What happened while I was away? I was so wrapped up in hanging out with Ryoko, that I didn't realize what was happening. Is Naho going to be alright?"
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"Naho's fine. Emiko on the other hand-"
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"She's gonna die!"
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"No, she won't! The doctors will know what to do! I'll be there too! I've never lost a family member I actually cared about, I'm not breaking that today!"
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"I'll ask you how your mother-daughter bonding went once this blows over"
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