After the Tragedy buzz died down, everyone went back to their normal lives and some even had kids. The three leaders of the 'Future Hope' group decided to open this ask book.
//; This book includes children for all three main games, DRAE and the a...
"An apology?" Cienna asked, clearly confused.. until she saw Saika; then it finally clicked, "... oh, you."
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"I'm sorry..."
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She sighs, removing the mask so she can speak more clearly.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
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"I... I... I should've paid more attention to you... Instead of paying attention to Emiko all the time..."
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"You were my girlfriend, dammit!"
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"I should've spent more time with you... I should've told you I loved you more... You did nothing but love me and I never gave you anything back..."
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"It was always about Emiko, it should've been about you more."
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"I never thought about how my ignorance was making you feel... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being a horrible girlfriend... I'm sorry for hurting you... I'm sorry for not loving you more... I'm sorry for everything..."
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"You don't need to forgive me... I don't expect you to... I just needed to apologise..."
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