After the Tragedy buzz died down, everyone went back to their normal lives and some even had kids. The three leaders of the 'Future Hope' group decided to open this ask book.
//; This book includes children for all three main games, DRAE and the a...
"Why do you keep referring to Nao as them, Zetsubo? Does Nao has multiple personalities?"
"No, not at all. Nao just prefers them/they pronouns!"
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"Robots are technically genderless but we have the option to either accept the gender we were built to be or we can be non-binary"
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"Iidabashi-san and I were built as females, Fujisaki-san was built as a male. Iidabashi-san decided to go by she/her pronouns and Fujisaki-san decided to go by he/him pronouns I decided to be non-binary and go by they/them pronouns"
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"I hope that helped clear up any confusion, Enoshima-san"
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