After the Tragedy buzz died down, everyone went back to their normal lives and some even had kids. The three leaders of the 'Future Hope' group decided to open this ask book.
//; This book includes children for all three main games, DRAE and the a...
"Yeah, after all, I already planned on retiring my days of being a hacker so that I can stay here with my family. The Future Foundation didn't need me to do any more transactions or anything like that anymore, so it was perfect timing, now I can focus on family stuff, now."
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"Yay! Alright, shall we get started now? I have the drawing here."
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"Oh god, won't that be hard to follow?"
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"Nah, I have all the clothes for you, we just gotta build your body. Which should be easy!"
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"Ah, cool."
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"Woohoo! Let's get started!"
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