Letter 9

22 3 2

Dedicated to KaiFangirl23

Dear whoever is Reading This,

Have you ever felt the same way I did?

Fall in love with someone.

Stay close to them.

Someone else gets ahead of you.

Then before you realize it they're already taken away.

You promise yourself that this wont happen again.

The cycle repeats itself . . .

Since I have had a lot of crushes, I couldn't possibly name them all each chapter.

So I'll name a few whom I think is important.

So the first person I had a crush on was a classmate.
His name was Luciano.

He was really good in sports.
Especially soccer!
It was love at first sight when scored that goal. . .

But someone got ahead of me.

And here I am trying to move on from my first love.

The second stared when I was in highschool.
He was the exact opposite of the first one.

He always took siestas.
So I never actually got to know about his name.

I warned myself that I should take caution of my actions.

For the same thing happened before.

I always watched from afar when he slept.

But, once again.
Someone got ahead of me.

And here I am trying to get over my second love.

A lot followed after him.

A guy from across the street.

An underclassman with the same club as me.

A guy from the next class.

A waiter from a restaurant I always eat from.

A dentist I met during a check up.

A teacher who helps me on my worst subject.

A pro athlete I saw on TV.

A prince from a neighboring country.

A guy who owns a pet shop.

_/·_· )_/

And many more people.
M A N Y M O R E ! !

Like I mean do I fall in love that easily?!

Yet, even if I have gotten indirectly heartbroken for like a million times.

I still want to fall in love.

But this time.

It wont repeat like my past experiences.

I wont let anybody else get ahead of me.

So I hope the next time I fall in love I hope that it would be true.

I can't wait to meet that person

The person who would fall in love with me.

Not because I love them, but because they love me.

Confusing right?

I know.

But it's just how love is.


Now I am 25 years old.

One day when I'm fortunate to meet someone that's truly irreplaceable.

I'll definitely tell them what I feel.

I'll stop this cycle of repeating love.


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