Letter 4

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Dear Aoi-kun,

As your Senpai I clearly disagree that I am the one writing this stupid letter to you!
I mean I'm older!
You should be the one wasting your time writing this but Meh, who am I to judge.

Now let's start with the introductions. 
My name is Yasashii Akuma.
You've met me before in the group chat we once had.
My best friend actually added you for troll purposes.
Mostly so she could find a reason to tease me.

Time passed by and you became an official member of the group.
A very important one.
For me...
I guess...

But enough with the dilly dally and let me get straight to the point.

When I first met you I really had this feeling called,
' Love at First Sight '.
Cliché right?
But don't get me wrong its not the first time I fell in love with someone.
I mean your like what- the 10th one perhaps. -_-

Yet I tried to hold back those feelings.
I was still hurt by last brother-like boyfriend.
I tried to fool my friend but she was really pushing you to me!

I love my best friend so I gave you a chance.
A chance so you could get to know me better.
And for me to know you too.

The days we spent on that group chat was not that special.
It was freakin' hectic.

It was always me starting a conversation.
Yet why is it that whenever you and your friends start a conversation, you start picking a fight with me?!

I was always the target of your teasing.
I honestly wanted to punch you through the screen.
It was fun but it was mostly triggering my patience.

Akashi. The hidden member of the group.
Accidentally read our conversation resulting to the three of you getting kicked out from the group.

The group became lonely after that.
Nobody was making me mad anymore.
And nobody makes me smile anymore.
It felt lonely.

My best friend added two new members in the group chat.
Both bearing the same last name as her.
I found comfort in the new members.
But it wasn't the same.
The comfort you gave me was different from them.

When I was having the thoughts of giving up.
My best friend created an alternate group.
A group where we were free to do what we wanted.
The members were the same but the members who were kicked out before, was brought back.

My happy days were starting once again.
I should've known it wouldn't last long.

I realized that the person you loved was on that group.
The main reason you came back was for her.
It was quite sad.

It seems like she doesn't know how serious your feelings are for her.

How hard it was for me to get to know you more.
Especially now that she was back.

Then one day, my best friend told me to give up on you.
I was confused.
I thought she supported us.

We talked and I carefully understood her reasons.
I began to block your account.
Your messages.
Your texts.
In the end I began to block you out of my life.

Yet one day, you came back.
You came back when I have started to forget about you.
How selfish could you get?

You started being nice to me.
You began to do the things I asked you.
You started calling me by my name again.
You started talking to me again.

It was like a dream.
But if it was I don't want to wake up.
Yet all dreams come to an end.
I hope my dream of us wont disappear just yet.

I loved you.
I know I did and I don't want it to end.
How selfish can I get?

How ironic can this get.


Thank you.

Even though never treated as one.
Even if you didn't think of me as one.

Thank you.

Let's talk again tonight okay?


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