Letter 12

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Dear Senpai,

I don't know how to put it into words on why you are both a blessing and a curse in my wretched life.

It was a blessing. Meeting and getting to know you and all, but it became a curse when I started having feelings for you.

If only my emotions have an off switch and an amplifier to my confidence and pride. Because it's like i am being strangled to death whenever you talk about her or seeing you and her together. Sometimes I wish I brought a knife to kill her when you're not looking, but I am nice so I didn't dare to do it.

But the longer we spent time together, it felt like a dream....but dreams are supposed to end and never come back.

I gave you a letter saying that i'l be your most loyal kouhai you'll ever have. I was serious about that and it was hard not to be able to add anything yandere in the letter so it ended up shitty and cheesy instead.

If only you knew....if only you knew that i'm no ordinary anime lover nor otaku. I can uncover your secrets without you knowing....secretly stalk you without thinking....

I am a tsundere on the outside but a true yandere on the inside...

Mark my words I will do everything to get what i want....but I'll have to make you feel suffer in despair like you wanted me to be....

I am only doing it because you wanted to... and believe me i'm doing this only for your sake and mine...i don't care if we'll just stay friends in MJK as long as no one else can have you around but me and our kouhai....

I was quite happy when kouhai said that he hopes we'll end up together in the future... but i pretended that i didn't want to or else you might hate me and i don't want that.

I am kind, loyal and true, but i won't let anyone else have you.

I like sharing and giving but it's hard to share what's truly yours to begin with..

Senpai you are mine....and I am crazy enough to make your games a reality...

Mark my words...using a knife to cut out that wretched girl's heart.

Sorry for being a bit possessive on this one, but once you fall in love with someone so bad you'll understand.

Also I know I have a lot of crushes. But honestly your the only crush that's really close to me.

I would want to stay that way always. So I hope you wont move schools.

I hope your allowed to stay.

I hope you'll lo-. . .

Hahhhhhhh. . . .

I hope. . .

Your Kouhai,

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