Letter 1

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/n: The pic above is Kazami Yuuya. Mei's Senpai on their wedding.

Dear Kazami-senpai,

Are you surprised of my sudden letter?
Tehee- I am too. 😋

Honestly I had no plans of giving you this letter.
Because I knew if I did I would've died of embarrassment.  K. O. 😳
But I gathered up all my courage.

I think you are so unfair Senpai...
You always smile so nonchalantly...
You kept calling my name so beautifully,
That I fell in love with my own name...

Hahaha. Sorry Senpai for being to dramatic on this letter...
I can't help it...
After all, you're getting married tomorrow...
And you asked me to sing for your wedding...

What the Hell is with that logic Senpai...

I'm kinda worried about tomorrow, I don't know what to sing at all. XD 😆
After all that promises of singing a beautiful song for you... and your wife.
If I was able I would sing, Senpai wont you notice me.
But it's kinda weird for the both of us Senpai because you always notice me.

Oh yah I remember the time when I created a song for you back in high school
And I accidentally made the lyrics out of my point of view,
everyone inside the auditorium kept laughing at you.

Personally I don't really care if you don't notice me Senpai.
But every time you smile and laugh I just cant help that feeling when my world just stops.
And my heart kept jumping out of my chest.
It was so annoying, but at the same time relieving.

Now you are standing in front of the altar.
Beside the girl that you love.
And I'm right here meters away from you.
Holding the mic near my mouth.
I started to sing...

Todokanai Koi

After the song you said your vows to each other...
You promised to love each other,
to a point where only death could tear you apart...

You told her all the words I wanted you to tell me.
You held her hand the same way I wanted you to hold mine.
You looked at her with the same eyes that I wanted to look at me too.
You tied your fate with her, and I really hoped for it to be me in her place.

The wedding was finally over.
I wanna go home so I can cry on my bed.
So that I can regret all the things that happened today.
But unfortunately, before I could run away.
You grabbed my hand to stop me.

Looking straight at me with those heartwarming eyes.
You then hugged me, and whispered your message.
Your wife was smiling behind you, as she looked at us.
Smiling complacently, she gestured for you to return.

Finally, I could move on from you Senpai.
Thank you for those words...
I will treasure them forever...

Yours truly,


"Thank you for everything...
The song was great, she loved it too...
I'm sorry I couldn't answer your confession back then.
Honestly I wanted to comfort you.
I was so glad you confessed to me.
I loved you back then too.
But there was this friend of yours,who was always with you.
So I gave up on you.
I wish I didn't though.
If came a little sooner, you would've been the one beside me on that altar.
Thank You for being my first love.
Try not to be too farsighted on men.
You never know the right one was always next to you all this time."

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