Letter 14

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Dear James,

Yes it's me your *ahem* former DARLING. I wrote this letter for you because duh... I wanted to... -_-'

Anyways to go straight to the point, you don't need to reply to this letter. I want to tell you that i had a word with Chas that i wont give up on you THAT easily...

As cringey as it is but yeah... I'm not quite done w/ you yet.

If you think i'm being stupid and desperate well then, you're right. I know Lin thinks so too but, revenge?

You don't really deserve to get one from me tho you still kinda do. *sigh* i guess this pure devil is forbidden to have a DARK angel such as yourself.

I cant change no matter what I do... But all i want is acceptance, maybe then... You can become my friend...

Anyways thanks for reading my stupid letter cause I'm not the type who APOLOGIZES directly... So until then...

- Len


P.P.S. "This letter is as short as your *********"

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