Tuesday October 16, 2018

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Lol, so today, I wasn't a stupid witch, so that's good, I actually went to the bus stop on an actual school day. Also, my class is learning about aerospace in my science class, but the thing is, WHY DO I HAVE TO RELEARN ALL THIS STUFF! The only stuff I don't know is all the history and myths from other different cultures. I think the only stuff I know in this class is about the Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong, and some other basic stuff. But seriously, we have to learn about Chinese myths about a guy floating in the air with rockets, but exploded and no body?

I think the only interesting thing about this is the tests, art thing, and the simulator we get to do. Also, I FINALLY GOT MY SWEATER FROM THE SCHOOL! Lol, and this morning, I was outside waiting while getting drenched in the rain :P! (~Lonely, I am so lonely~ I have nobody~ For my own~)

Also, in math I had to help one of my friends in almost every question,and it counts as a test grade, but we are allowed to work with other people. AND THIS CLASS IS SSSUUUPPPEERR BBOORRRIIINNNGGG! At least today wasn't something where I just sleep and watch anime all day.

 AND THIS CLASS IS SSSUUUPPPEERR BBOORRRIIINNNGGG! At least today wasn't something where I just sleep and watch anime all day

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My Public Diary as an 8th grader 2018-2019😪Where stories live. Discover now