Saturday November 24, 2018

14 1 0

Lol, today I woke up to my mom, pops, brother, and sis playing Mario Kart 8 on the new nintendo switch that my pops bought literally two days ago. I also realized that my cousins and grandmother/father in law is gone. Guess they went back to Missouri so they wouldn't be caught up in the snow.

Next thing I knew I was stuck playing on the nintendo switch with my pops and siblings. The roles kept changing, sometimes I would get first and sometimes I would be last. Then we played some Mario Party Games. Let's just say that I got too caught up in the moment that it ended up being my undoing.

Then basically the rest of the day I just ate, played video games, anime, and wattpad. The same usual routine. The only thing I was happy about was that my dog didn't wake me up by biting me, and sitting on top of my head and stuff.

Ik, today was a boring day, sorry. Just not feeling it today, it's like one of those lazy days where you just sit back and relax without a care in the world. Kinda. Anyway, cya peeps!

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