Chapter 12

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Knock knock knock.

“Tory, it’s time for dinner.”

Victoria sat in her bed, her knees up and the blanket over them. She hugged her legs and rested her chin on her knees, staring at the wall across her room.

David, hearing no response, sighed. He leaned against the door, resting his forehead on the wood barrier. “C’mon, Tory. You haven’t left the room all day. Is there something wrong?” No response. “The others didn’t notice, but when you came home late last night, you seemed… off. Did something happen?” No response. “Tory, please talk to me, you know you can tell me everything.”

Could she? Could she really tell anyone, even her best friend, that she was kidnapped by some terrorist group out to get her, was rescued by a mysterious assassin who wants to help her, and that in the next couple days she’ll have to…

“Tory,” David spoke softer. “You haven’t been yourself lately, and I’m really worried. Tory, please talk to me.” No response. David sighed and put his back against the door and stood there in silence. He slid down until he was sitting on the floor, his elbows resting on his knees. Victoria took a deep and quietly got out of bed. She sat in front of her door, her back leaning against it.

“Hey,” David turns his head. “Remember how, when we were little and I would sleep over, we would stay up all night when your parents though we were asleep. And we would talk all night. We’d talk and giggle and make hand shadow puppets. We’d read comic books and draw each other pictures. We’d do anything to avoid sleeping. Sometimes we wouldn’t get any sleep at all, and you’re parents would always be wondering why we were so tired, even though I’m sure they knew. It’s not like you’re a very soft laugher.”

David heard Victoria giggle from the other side of the door and chuckled himself. He sighed and his expression saddened. “Tory, what’s wrong?”

Tory closed her eyes and gently rested her head against the door.

Hearing no response, David sighed and started to get up.


He stopped. “Yeah?”

Victoria took a deep breath. “Don’t worry about me, ok? You’ve done more than I can ever thank you for, and I love you with all my heart.” Victoria bit her bottom lip to stop herself from saying anymore.  She closes her eyes as tears rolled down her cheek.

David smiled. “I love you too, lil sis.” He stood up and went downstairs, joining the rest of the family at the dinner table. Victoria smiled as the tears began to pour.

If that was going to be her goodbye, she was content with it.



Victoria screams at the top of her lungs as she watches David’s lifeless body drop to the ground, a pool of blood slowly forming around him. Her vision becomes blurry and her whole body fills with rage as she violently struggles under the two men’s tight grasp.

Chris chuckles. “And there we have it. She is broken.”

Victoria glares at Chris, eyes filled with enormous amounts of malice and her body shaking, unable to say a word.

“Now, please,” Chris takes in her silence and smiles. “Get in the car, love.”

Victoria stares at Chris through her blurry vision. “I’m not going anywhere.”

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