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Victoria steps out of a big, black SUV. She takes a deep breath as she is welcomed by the warm California sun. It usually wouldn’t be this hot in November, but Southern California weather is very unpredictable. She didn’t realize how much she missed it until now. She reaches into her small black purse and grabs out a compact mirror and a lipstick, proceeding to reapply the deep red onto her lips.

She puts the objects back in her purse and crosses the street, making her way towards the church. Before entering, she makes sure to check her clothing. A black, elbow length sleeve lace dress partnered with classic black Christian Louboutins. She has her hair up in an intricate bun and wears a small, yet stylish hat with a black veil to cover her face. She stands up tall and steps inside the church. She finds an empty pew towards the back and sits.

It’s a sad scene, with audible sobbing and nose blowing. Some stand up and share heartbreaking stories, others tell light-hearted memories. A rollercoaster of emotions play out around Victoria. She never did quite like going to funerals.

At the end of the service, the pastor offers loved ones to come to the casket to pay their respects. It's not an open casket, of course, given the circumstances of how he died. But the casket is covered in the most beautiful and colorful collection of flowers.

Victoria sits as she watches friends and family file out of the room. When she is sure she is alone, she gets up and makes her way to the casket.

David is in there. Her David. Her best friend, and the one she held most dearly to her heart. She wants so badly to open up the casket and look at him one last time. He'd probably be dressed in the nicest of suits, looking as dapper as ever.

Peaceful. He'd probably also look very peaceful. Like he’d simply just been sleeping the whole time. And any moment we would open his eyes and embrace her in that welcoming bear hug she loves so much.

Except that’s never going to happen. He’s dead, and Victoria knows very well that it’s all her fault.

She goes into her purse and pulls out a peach-colored rose, a black bow tied around the short and thornless stem. She clutches it tightly as tears begin to fill her eyes. She delicately places the rose on the casket.

“I’m… I’m so sorry.” A tear rolls down her cheek. She takes a deep breath and turns to walk out of the church. A girl stands feet away, staring at Victoria.


The girl glares at her with glassy eyes. Elizabeth. David’s little sister. Well, not so little anymore. She looks about sixteen years old now.

Victoria just smiles. “Hey, Lizzie.”

“It is you!” Elizabeth rushes into Victoria’s arms. "David was right."

Victoria chuckles, “Wow, you've grown up!”

Elizabeth takes a step back, tears rolling down her confused face. “But…”

“Shh,” Victoria places her finger in front of her lips. “You can’t tell anyone I’m here.”

“But why not? You’re alive! Don’t you think we deserve the great news right now.”

“No, hun. you can't tell anyone. It's for your safety.”

“Safety?” Elizabeth cocked her head slightly. “Safe from what?”

Victoria caresses Elizabeth's cheeks in her hands and wipes the tears from under her eyes with her thumb. “I’m so sorry for any pain I may have caused. But I’m gonna need you to trust me on this one. I can’t come back.” Elizabeth drops her head. Victoria lifts her chin. “Hey, you're a big girl, I know you'll get through this."

The Surrogate Sister (a Sherlock fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now