Chapter 9

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“You can’t see him anymore.”

“What! Why not?”

“Because it’s too dangerous.”

Victoria crossed her arms. “You don’t know him.”

“Yeah? Well, I know you.” Ava put her hands on her hips. “And we can’t afford any distractions.”

“He’s not a distraction.”

“The hell he is!” Ava raised her voice in frustration. “We are here for a job. A job assigned by the British government, mind you. And here you are, fucking the target’s best friend.”

“I am not-”

“For all we know, this boy can be working for Charles Harrow.”

“Ava, he’s not-“

“Goddamn it, Tory!” Ava yelled, throwing her arms in the air. “Just grow up! Stop chasing every goddamned boy that gives you attention. I’m sick and tired of you fucking up all the time and I will NOT let that happen again.” She took a step closer, their faces inches apart. “You either do your fucking job or face the consequences. Understood?” Victoria just stares at Ava and slightly nods. “Good.” She left the room without another glance at Victoria.


The four quickly make their way back to Baker Street on foot, barging into 221b. Mrs. Hudson walks out and meets the bunch, Sherlock leaning against the stair railing and the others against the wall, all of them gasping for air.

“Is everything alright, Sherlock?”

“Everything is fine,” Sherlock breathes out as he makes his way up the stairs. John smiles and nods at Mrs. Hudson before he follows.

The cheerful landlady looks over Andrew. “And who is this fine young man?”

“A friend,” Victoria smiles at Mrs. Hudson and grabs Andrew’s hand. “C’mon.” She pulls him up the stairs. Andrew looks back and kindly smiles at Mrs. Hudson.

Mrs. Hudson calls after them, “Now, don’t tell me you need separate rooms for these two as well!” Hearing no response, she sighs and walks back to her flat.

Victoria and Andrew walk into the flat to find John sitting in his chair and Sherlock pacing about anxiously. “So they know you are here. It was a warning of some sort,” Sherlock continues to mumble to himself, ignoring the others in the room.

 “So this… Chris. He’s your brother, Andrew?” John asks.


Victoria crosses her arms and turns to Andrew. “And how could you have absolutely no idea where he is?”

“Shh.” Sherlock shushes them, his pace stopped.

Andrew raises his eyebrow. “What are you-”

“Shh!” Sherlock puts a hand up in Andrew’s direction, standing perfectly still.

After a few seconds, John stands up. “Sherlock, what’s wrong?”

He doesn’t answer for a few moments. Then he begins to look about the room. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

Sherlock turns to John. “Clicking.” At that moment, Sherlock’s phone chirps. He groans and whips his cell out of his coat pocket. He reads the text and groans again, putting his phone back into his pocket. “Another murder. C’mon.” He walks out the door without a glance at the lot. John sighs and follows.

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