Chapter 10

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"Do you really think it's wise to let her off on her own like that?" John asks Sherlock, moments after Victoria leaves the room.

"She's a trained assassin, John. She can handle herself." Sherlock responds, his eyes still on the exit and his eyebrows furrow. John looks up at Sherlock, eyebrows raised.

Andrew turns to Sherlock. "You called her Tory."

"I did."

"So, you know her."


"I mean, you know her."

Sherlock turns to Andrew and raises his eyebrow. "And what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing." Andrew puts his hands in his pockets. "You know what, I'm gonna go. I have things to take care of." He turns and walks away.

John calls after him. "Wait, I don't think that's a good-"

"Let him go, John." Sherlock cuts him off. John sighs and they watch Andrew leave the room. Sherlock lifts up the small camera in his fingers and continues to examine it.

Lestrade crosses his arms. "What I don't understand is... Why Victoria? What is it that they want?"

"What could these terrorists possibly want with her?" John adds.

"I don't know." Sherlock responds. He frowns. "We should probably get back to the flat. See if we can track this back to the source." He puts the camera in his coat pocket and begins to walk towards the exit, John following closely behind him.

Lestrade calls after them, "Wait, Sherlock-"

"We'll keep in touch." Sherlock calls as he leaves the room.

Sherlock and John walk out the abandoned building and towards the main road. John hails a cab as Sherlock's phone chirps. It's from John's cell.



Victoria slips the phone back into her pocket. She crosses her legs and places her hands on her lap. "Care to tell me where you're taking me?"

"Shut up."

"Well, I mean, I am paying you. Only fair that the customer knows where she's going."

"I said, shut up."

Victoria smirks and remains quiet the rest of the ride. After what seemed like an hour going through empty, narrow streets, they turn into a long driveway. The driver parks in front of an old, dilapidated two-story home and turns off the vehicle. He steps out of the car and opens her door, pointing the gun at her.

"Get out."

"You know," Victoria turns to the man and raises her eyebrow. "You made a slight error in your ways. When you kidnap a trained killer..." She steps out of the car and smirks. "You should really tie her up first." She kicks the gun out of his hands and it goes flying. She kicks the man in the chest and he stumbles backward. He reaches into his back pocket and takes out a knife.

Victoria rolls her eyes. "Really?" The man lunges forward and slashes his knife, but Victoria is quick. She steps to the left, the knife barely missing her, and she steps forward, kneeing him in the stomach. He doubles over, giving her the perfect opportunity to elbow him in the face and send him reeling back. Spinning, Victoria roundhouse kicks him across the face and he hits the ground, unconscious.

Victoria takes a deep breath. “Well, now that that’s over.” She walks over to where the gun had landed and picks it up. She dusts it off and examines it. Fully loaded. Could come in handy. She tucks it into the back of her jeans and whips out John’s phone, searching through the contacts.

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