Sneak peak of the sequel "The Man in White"

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(EDIT 2/22/15) So consider this an update if you've already read this. I have decided on the title, as well as the main plot of the fic. And boy, let me tell ya... y'all are really in for a hell of a ride for this one. Words cannot describe how excited I am to write this.

Now, in terms of the title... If anyone is familiar with the folklore The Woman in White... there's a HUGE hint of what's to come.

Now, although I have written some chapters already, it will still be a while before I post anything. Being the perfectionist and the stickler on continuity that I am, I wanna make sure that I have everything down before putting it out for the public to read. (Keep in mind this will be a while... but, hey, the Sherlock fandom... waiting... what's new, right?)

BUT UNTIL THEN, here ya go! A little sneak peek of the first chapter!

Would love to read your thoughts and predictions so feel free to put them in the comments (:

Thanks for reading guys!


A lot can happen in three years. Like John meeting Mary Morstan, a woman he fell in love with so dearly, and proposed to a year later. A wedding turned murder investigation followed shortly after, with Sherlock as the best man. Not very surprising the turn out of that whole event.

Victoria unfortunately missed all of this, not to her request, but Mycroft's. Doing job after job for the man nonstop. Not that she'd ever complain, she loves what she does. It's just unfortunate that she hasn't visited Baker Street in so long.

Luckily, John had managed to keep her up to date through emails, calls, letters, whatever way possible. Sherlock would talk to her on the phone every so often, but Victoria knows he's not one for small talk so she didn't expect much out of him.

It was Mycroft, however, who had filled her in on the news John clearly didn't want to share. The news about Mary and Moriarty. (Of course, Moriarty being back wasn't much of a surprise to her.)

But after three years of separation from the people she now calls her family, she is finally able to come home. Mycroft has given her two months off starting late December. Victoria told John as soon as she found out, and they made arrangements for him to pick her up from the airport Christmas Day. Mrs. Hudson also insisted that Victoria stay in John's old room for the next couple months.


When they reach and open the front door to 221 Baker Street, they are immediately welcomed by the strong scent of chocolate chip cookies.

The door to Mrs. Hudson's flat flies open as John shuts the front door. Mrs. Hudson walks out, apron and oven mitts on, with a huge smile her face. She opens her arms and rushes towards Victoria.

"Hello, dear!"

The two embrace. "Hi Mrs. Hudson."

The landlady let's go and takes a step back to examine Victoria. "You look well!"

John lightly nudges Victoria. "I'll bring your bags up to the room." Victoria thanks him as he walks up the stairs.

Mrs. Hudson grabs Victoria's hand with both of her's. "It really is such a pleasure to see you again, dear."

Victoria smiles and places her hand on top of the landlady's. "I've really missed you guys."

Mrs. Hudson gently squeezes Victoria's hands. "We've missed you too." She turns towards the stairs. "Sherlock is upstairs. Go on and say hi. I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you."

Victoria smiles and releases her grip, making her way up the stairs and slowly walking towards the flat. She stops at the door and leans against the door frame. Sherlock is sitting in his chair, his eyes closed. His elbows rest on the arms of the chair and his palms are together, fingers resting on his chin. He's deep in thought. Victoria knows better than to disturb him. She knocks on the door anyway.

"Go away, I'm busy." Sherlock says, his eyes remaining closed.

"Well, hello to you too."

Sherlock's eyes fly open. "Oh! Hello, Victoria."

"Hello again, Sherlock." Victoria crosses her arms. "Long time, no see."

"How was your flight?" Sherlock asks, his gaze moving to the kitchen, deep in thought.

"Eh." Victoria takes a few steps in. "It was alright. Nothing exciting."


"How about you? What have you been up to?"

"Oh, same old." Sherlock's cell chirps and he whips it out to read the message. "John!" He calls out as he gets up and walks to the door.

John walks into the room? "Yeah?"

"Lestrade needs us at Scotland Yard." Sherlock says as he throws on his infamous coat and scarf. John reaches over and grabs his jacket off the hanger as Sherlock rushes out the door.

John looks over at Victoria. "We won't be long," he reassures her.

Victoria smiles. She remembers this all too well. "Just go. And don't enjoy yourself too much."

John smiles and walks out the door. Victoria takes a deep breath and places her hands in her pockets. She looks around the room. It's the same flat she had left three years ago. Nothing much has changed at all.

Suddenly, Victoria hears footsteps behind her. She turns to find Sherlock at the door.

"It really is great to see you again, Tory," he says, a warm smile in his face.

Victoria walks over and pulls him into a hug. Sherlock wraps his arms around her tight. "And I apologize for leaving like this."

Victoria chuckles, "It's fine, I totally understand." She lifts her head and looks up at Sherlock. "Now go. Scotland Yard needs you." She smiles. "Go save Christmas."

Sherlock chuckles and kisses her forehead before releasing his grip. "We won't be long."

"Just go." Victoria insists, and she watches as Sherlock runs down the stairs and out the door.


Victoria looks around the room, her eyebrows furrowed. "Where's John?"

"John got held up at the office." Sherlock pauses. He hears the faint sound of a car door slamming. "But it looks like The Watsons have arrived."

Shortly after, John runs up the stairs and enters holding Olivia in his arm. Everyone greets him and moves towards him to say hello to little Watson, who is wearing the cutest of Holiday dresses.

"Where's Mary?" Mrs. Hudson asks after a few moments of pinching Olivia's cheeks.

"She's getting the presents and food out of the trunk." John replies.

"I'll go help her out." Lestrade volunteers as he begins walking out of the room.

"Thanks Greg." John turns to Victoria. "Look, Ollie! It's Auntie Tory! Say hi!"

Victoria smiles and moves closer to them. "Hi Ollie." She wiggles Olivia's little hand with her finger. Olivia smiles and lightly grabs the finger as Victoria continues to wiggle it. "It's very nice to finally meet you, Olivia." Victoria's eyes grow wide.

Lestrade walks in holding a casserole dish in one hand and a few box presents in the other.

"Here, I got it." Victoria grabs the dish from Lestrade and brings it into the kitchen. Lestrade sets the presents down on the coffee table and brings the dish to the kitchen.

"There she is!" Victoria hears John say in the other room.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" A woman's voice exclaims.

Figuring that this is Mary, Victoria quickly sets the casserole dish down and runs out into the living room. She makes eye contact with the blonde woman standing next to John.

Victoria freezes.

And Mary's eyes grow wide.

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