Chapter 11

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"Andrew, " Chris motions for his brother to come over. "Could you do me a favor and tighten the ropes on Victoria? I think they're a bit loose." Andrew nods and walks over behind Victoria without a word. He tightens the rope around her chest, the wooden back of the chair gnawing into her back. Victoria screams in pain from the ropes tightening around her bruised chest. "Ah," Chris smiles. "That's better."

Victoria takes a few deep breathes. "Do your worst, Chris. I honestly have nothing to say to you. But just know that I will kill you."

"Coming from someone who is on the losing side of the situation."

"Also coming from someone who has nothing to lose."

Chris raises his eyebrows. "Oh, really?" The third of Chris's men grabs another wooden chair and places it a few feet in front of Victoria. Chris turns to the door and calls, "Bring him in."

The door swings open and the two men that left earlier drag in a younger man. His white button down shirt is disheveled and covered in dirt and hints of blood. His head is hanging, his blonde hair ruffled and covered in dirt and grease. His trousers are ripped and spotted with blood and his bare and bruised feet drag as Chris's men carry him to the empty chair. They sit him down and the third man walks over with rope and ties him to the chair in similar fashion to Victoria. The young man takes a deep breath and glances up at Victoria. Her eyes grow wide as she recognizes the gray-ish blue eyes locked on hers. He attempts to smile, but the bruises on his cheeks allow him otherwise.

"You know David, don't you?" Chris smirks.

David and Victoria had been family friends even before they were born. Their mothers went to high school and college together and had been best friends ever since. It was David's family who took her in after she was orphaned. They were family to her, and she had done all she could to protect them, including fake her own death to keep them in the dark.

Victoria darts a nasty look at Chris, her face heating up from the sudden anger boiling inside her. "Don't you dare lay another hand on him."

"Or you'll what? Kill me? Yes, dear, you've already made that abundantly clear. There's no need to repeat yourself." Chris's phone rings and he rolls his eyes. He whips out his cell and checks the ID. He puts the phone to his ear. "Yes, boss?.... Yes, yes she's here." Chris looks down at Victoria, whose attention has shifted to David, her eyes full of concern. "Yes- wait no that's not... that's not what i-" The voice on the other end begins to yell and Chris moves the phone away from his ear. He looks at his guards and they all nod. Chris puts the phone back to his ear and begins to walk out of the room. All three of his men and Andrew, follow. Chris's voice fades as the door shuts behind them. "Boss, I'm sorry I... No, I'm not lying to you... I don't doubt you, sir..."

The two Americans sat there in silence, Victoria's eyes scanning David's body for any major injuries, David still attempting to smile at Victoria.

Victoria sighs deeply. "What are you doing here, David?"

"I was looking for you."

"I'm supposed to be dead."

"Well, apparently you're not," David chuckles, but stops after feeling how much pain it causes him.

Victoria doesn't find this funny.

Noticing Victoria's expression, David decides to continue explaining. "It was really hard, you know. After you... died." He pauses before bringing himself to say that last word. "I... it took me a while to get back into things. I had to, though, because it seemed as though everyone else had moved on. So when high school came around, I sucked it up and... went on with my life." He takes a deep breath. "It was Senior Year when it all started."

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