Note from the Author

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So there we have it! The Surrogate Sister.

In case you were wondering, the poems mentioned in Chapter 12 are The Arrow and the Song by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, two of my favorite poems. (The Arrow and the Song was actually a song the Men's Ensemble of my high school choir sang for competition my freshman year... another reason why it's one of my favorites)

Also, a side note (because I used to have this in the synopsis box before I actually had a summary in there), this story takes place post TRF, where Sherlock has already been back and John has not met Mary. I started writing this in December, before Series 3 released, so that's why I didn't add her to the plot.

I really hope you enjoyed this ride with me. Kudos if you've been following this since it first started in December. And... I cannot even believe how many reads this has gotten. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. And to all who leave such sweet comments and that vote. AH! Thank you so much!! <3

A big thank you to my friend Nikki (Tumblr url thatpunnyperson) for guiding me through this. She's definitely influenced my writing... and whether that's for the better or for the worse is for you to decide(:

....I was gonna wait a little longer until I posted the Epilogue... but I myself am VERY impatient hahaha. I've had it written well before I even finished the story itself.

Speaking of the Epilogue... What does it mean?

Well, I'll tell you now... You haven't heard the last of Victoria.

***Check out my new Doctor Who fic Sophia Johnson

When young Sophia Johnson runs into the same man three times, she decides to investigate and discovers that aliens are real-- and a bit terrifying. In a strange twist of fate, she decides to team up with a man known simply as The Doctor to figure out why a genetic experiment is tearing up California.

The Surrogate Sister (a Sherlock fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now