chapter 2

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I danced and had a great time.  Well worth the money.  I had backstage passes to meet the guys.  I grabbed an another drink and headed back to meet them.  A couple of girls were already back there visiting and getting things signed.  Yea I have to leave soon so I became impatient fast.  I looked at my phone and finally I was called back.  To my surprise , the blue eyed guy was surrounded by three chicks.  The one with hazel eyes was being straddled by  another girl.  And finally the guitarist came over to me and said hello.  He smiled and said" hello I'm Tomo and you are? ".   Me" Julie nice to meet you ".   I went and sat by him and we talked for quite awhile.  One of the stage people needed Tomo to go with him to help with a couple things. I sat there by myself and still both guys had company.  Well this is fun. I got up grabbed my keys and started for the door.  I was stopped by a voice from god.  I turned around and looked straight into those blue eyes.  Fuck even hotter up close. Him" hey your leaving? ".  Me" yea, I paid for this and well I see you guys are busy ".  Him " I'm Jared by the way, come talk to me ".  Me" yea no thanks I gotta go ".  J" what's the rush? ".  Me" let's just say I got tired of waiting , nice to meet you, loved the show ".   J" but......ok thanks u guess".  I walked away down the hall and to my car.  Wow!  Nice way to treat someone.   Next time I'm going to another show.  The next day, I was out for an espresso and bagel in my favourite cafe. Sun was out, hot but you get used to it fast.  I was halfway through my book when I heard a familiar voice.  I glanced up and seen Tomo from the band last night.   T" well hello there!  Nice to see you here!  Mind if we join you? ".   We? Yep He brought a friend. The drummer. Auh hell he was sexy.  I took a drink of my coffee and peaked over to the hazel eyes and I he spoke.  Him" hello how are you? ".  Me" I'm good and you? ".   Him" great,  I  need some coffee ". Me" you should try the vanilla cream swirl cafe latte, so good ". Tomo came back over and sat down with a coke and a toasted bagel with cream cheese.   Me" oh god is that a NY bagel?".   T" hell yea, its the only one I get when I come here ".  Me" so how often are you guys in town? ".  T" Shannon Jared and I are on the road a lot so whenever we can , this is the place we come to for fuckin amazing coffee".  Me" you Jared?".  He smiled " Shannon ".  Me" you have a girls name? ".  S" I'm all man baby, the name means nothing ".  I felt my cheeks burn.   Not a lot  of guys can make me blush.  S" what do you do for a living? ".    Me" I don't work if that's what your asking? ".   S" get fired? ".  Me" no I just have money a lot of it ".  S" why don't you work? ".   Me" why are you asking so many questions?".  He laughed and sipped his coffee. T" well hey we gotta go, you coming to the show tonight? ".  Me" where at? ".    S" in Fort Lauderdale ".  Me" maybe, I need to go shopping again ".  S" Its not a fashion show, its a concert ".  I gave him a look and stood up.  Me" tomo nice to meet you ".  S" bye ".    I didn't look back at him and just left to my car.  I got in and started it up when Shannon came running to my door.   S" you forgot this ". He handed me my sunglasses and smiled.  Me" thank you ".  S" see you at the show ". And winked at me.  He had my attention.  I had a feeling he was gonna get under my skin fast.

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