chapter 7

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" Flight 106 leaving to Miami ".  I was ready to go.   I grabbed my ticket and walked over to the gate.  Off in the distance I could hear my name being called.  I turn to look and I was mistaken.  It was for someone else. Oh well. I hadn't told Jared my flight left at noon not 1. It was better this way.  I wouldn't get attacked to him and he could be worth a chick in L.A.   I didn't wanna get tied down anyways.   Or so I thought. I looked out the window and watched as L.A. was a faint landscape below me.  Hours later I landed in Miami. Fuckin hot out but I loved it. Beach weather baby!   I got to my door and threw off my clothes and headed to change into my bikini.   Sunglasses check,  towel check tanning cream check.  Off I go.  Auh the hot sand under my feet!  How I missed you!    Back at my house my phone was lighting up.  Jared was trying to get ahold of me but I was not there.   J" where are you? ".    He hung up without leaving a message.  I let the sun soak deep into my skin and let my mind wander. And as soon as I did, Shannon not Jared came to mind.  I had feeling, well infatuation for Jared. We didn't know each other that well to be  exclusive.  I was attracted to bad boys.  Back in L.A. , Jared invited some chicks over and had a get together. J" ladies welcome ".  He sat back and took a sip of his drink and one chick came over and started to kiss him all over his neck and chest.  I came back to my house and seen all his calls.  I dialed him up and wanted to hear his voice.  The voice on the other end wasn't what I wanted to hear.  Chick" hello ". She laughed and I hung up.   This is why I keep my feeling locked up.   J" hey did my phone go off? ".  She  smiled and looked at the ID and said " some girl named Julie ".  J" fuck! Why didn't you tell me..... did you answer it? ".   Chick " yea she hung up though ".  Jared got pissed an left the room.  I laid back and looked out the window.  Ring! Yea I know who that is.  I turned off my ringer and closed my eyes.  I awoke hour later and turned over to check my phone.  10 missed calls.  Me " whatever! ".   The next day I went out to breakfast with my girl.  Kim had flown in and I was waiting for her plane to land.   I got lost in thoughts of his heartbreaking blue eyes. The eyes I got lost in but also stole my heart.   My phone went off and I looked it was Jared.  Me" what? ".   J" why haven't you called me back? ". Me" why did some chick answer your phone ".  J " she's my friend ".   Me" whatever ".  I hung up . I laid my head back and I felt someone touch my hand.  My eyes met his and I was surprised to see him here, in front of me.  S" hey ! What are you doing here? ".  Me" hi ".  He smiled and said" I never got the chance to talk to you the other day ". Me' I'm waiting for my friend she's flying in in a bit ".  S" that's cool!  I'm about to fly out to out back to L.A.  ".   His  eyes locked on mine.  S" you ok? ".  I couldn't think he was just mesmerizing.  Me" yea..   I'm good".   S" want me to keep you company till she comes? ".   Auh shit he turned around and I looked at his ass. Mm mm tight pants and the way he walked.  Shit!   He got in the passenger seat and sat back.  Damn he was packing. Damn!  What is with these brothers! S" my fight leaves in an hour so what do you wanna talk about? ".   Me" when did you get into drumming? ".  S" when I was really little. I used to bang on everything I could. And I........oh fuck.... who is that beauty? ".  I looked over his shoulder and there was Kim.  I jumped out of the car and ran to her.  K" hey bitch!  How are you? ".  She hugged me tight and I couldn't be happier to have her here with me.  Shannon got out and came over to us.  K" hello..... you are? ".  He smiled and said " Shannon ".   K" hello there......Shannon " He kissed her cheek and shook her hand.   Me " you ready? ".  K" yep ".  I grabbed her bags and I told Shannon bye. K" damn he's hot ".  Me" fuck I know right! ".  Shannon got to his gate and took off.  While we were driving, Kim could tell I wasn't happy.  K" who is he? ".   Me" no one ". K " you like him huh? ".   Me" who are you taking about? ".  K" Shannon! ".   Me" no......... not him ".   K" no its him, I can tell ".   I pulled into Starbucks and she wouldn't let up. Me" no.....  I don't even know him ".  K" I seen the way he looked at you jewels".  Me" you saw nothing ".  K" ok then,  by the way your phone is going off".   Me " oh...... hold on".  I answered it and it was Jared. J" where are you ?".   Me" I'm with my friend right now why? ".    J" ok , I will call you back then ".  Me" ok".  K" who was that? ".     Me" no one ".  We got in the driveway and I couldn't believe what I saw. I got out of my car and walked over to my door. ". He was standing there, roses in his hand and a smile.  J" I missed you ". I stood in front of him and he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. He landed up against the door and I held around his waist.  Me" you came all this way for me?".    J" I'm crazy for you......... I know this is happening so fast, but I can't help how I feel for you ". I laid against his chest and then remembered Kim. J" hey I'm Jared ". K" I'm Kim".  He looked down to me and smiled. Me" I wanna spend time with you but...... ". J" its ok ".  I kissed him again and I felt bad.  He had come all this way and so did Kim.  He was about to leave when I had an idea. Me" Jared, please stay ".  J" I'm staying at a hotel on fifth, I won't be far away ".  Me" ok,  I will see you tomorrow I guess".  He grinned and said " or tonight ". winking at me. 

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