chapter 2

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Nate, Victor,Zach,Ivan, Evan(identical twins) and the ring leader Carter.

They were the bae boys of school but carter takes it to the extreme. Some how they always end up in detention. They never get expelled or suspended always detention. 

I grabbed the paper of the teachers desk and sat next to Sara who looked like she was almost a sleep. I turned to the front and looked at the paper.

Write a full paper summary on why you got detention and what you can do next time so you don't have to come back.Due at the end of the day.

"Victor look the nerd got detention for the first time." carter said

"She? Awe poor baby. its alright don't cry its only for a little while." Victor replied as a old person.

I ignored the comment.

I looked over at Sara and made sure she was a sleep then I toke her headphones. deep sleeper.

Don't tell nobody by tink just started playing.I grabbed a piece of paper and started to sketch.

I could hear the moving of chairs but didn't pay and attention to it.

Half way through my sketch I felt hot breath behind me. When I looked up all of the guys were behind he and looking at the sketch with dumbfounded looks but one.

"Dude look Chick can draw." Ivan or was that Evan. um.. Well one of the twins said.

"Yea I know."

"You know!"all of us yelled which woke up Sara but not the teacher. Well that weird.

"Don't worry about him his wife just had twins. So he hasn't had a lot of sleep." Carter said in a mothers voice and pinched my cheeks.

"don't touch me." I said moving my face."How do you know about my drawings?" I said changing the subject back.

"I guess you haven't noticed that were neighbours yet."

"Wait, Your the idiot that plays music until 3 in the morning."

"Yup, and your the nerd who's watches pretty little liars and bad girls club." he stated while mocking a girly voice."Well I conceded myself loving and kind. Never  an idiot."he said changing he's voice to a fake hurt in his voice.

"First I'm not a nerd.Second why are you watching me to know what I watch.Third To bad because your probably the most conceded person I ever ment." I replied while holding up my fingers.

"So how come no one knows about your drawings."A twin asked changing the subject.

"people do know,I just don't cast it to the idiots that trace in this school."

"know I don't know if I should be offened or not." one of the twins said.

before I could replied the lunch bell rand and I grabbed my note book shoved it into my bag and turned to get Sara, but busted out laughing.They ended up drawing on her face.

"Shopie what is wrong with?" she said looking at me with concern.I pulled out my iPhone and showed it to her.

that set her off and she went into full puerto rican mode. She was cursing at them in Spanish and Zach didn't understand any of it.

"um what did you just say?" he said trying to s

sound innocent.

"She's said were all self-centered ass wholes and that we should get our heads out of our asses."Carter answered and I wasn't the only one that was shocked to.

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