Chapter 12

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dedicated to outcast_twinz go follow her guys

So I'm just going to make bella one of the people who they are friends with but I'm not going to have her really close to the group.  I'm not going  to make a character for bella either.  So you can pick a person or make her yourself.

Sophie's P.O.V

Bella and I are on our way to the library.  We've made short talk so far and I found out the shes the oldest out of three, twin teen brothers and a baby sister,  her favorite color is yellow,  and she's naturally a ginger.  I learned that she dyed her hair because people think her natural hair color is dyed. I found that part funny.  I wonder what everyone eles was doing besides waiting for us to get there.  I just hope that Sarah and Harper can keep there comments to themselves.  I know i'm asking alot coming from them but what do you know they may actually listen to me.

Who are you kidding you know damn well that then to crackheads are harder put up with then Carter and his friends.

Who gave you an envitation to come and Harass me today?

Your dumb ass or eles I wouldn't be here

Please tell me I'm not this violent?

You could do worse than you think.

Yea right

Don't test me sophie

Don't test me...umm ... me? Can I even use that?

Idk your talking to yourself.

Ugg!  This is going nowhere. Go away

Nope I'm fine right here

For real I don't need this right now

Nope you need to ask nicely

Me can you please leave me alone while I'm with people.

Okay but tell the sex kitten hi for my later

Thank God. Wait! Who's the sex kitten?


God I can't stand my self at times.

Me and bella walked the rest of the way on silence until she broke it.

"So what ate you and your friends like? "

" okay so there's 4 of us in total. Arron, Sara and Harper.  We've been friends for a really long time there like my R.o.ds. We tell each other any and everything. Most of the time were with each other. We're like brothers and sisters that aren't related. " I said after thinking about my friends.

I guess it's harder to explain when you think about it.  We've all known each other for a long time but the way we become friend is really shocking.

" oh. Do you guys ever get into to fights with each time since you guys are really close?"

"No we just get upset with each other alot, but its always over stupid things like you wore my clothes and stuff.  Other then like big things we don't do get into fights like that, we all now things that we shouldn't talk about at the moment and we all work together to figure things out. "

" wow you guys are really close. "

" yea... I guess we are. "


Sara, Harper, and I have been at my/Annas house with Carter, Ivan and Evan trying to work on this project but so far Sara has cursed both of the twins out in Spanish and Harper has thrown a dictionary at Carter saying " it's going to help knock sense into you" I wonder how we're going to get this done if we can't even work together for ten minutes. It's like I'm working with a bunch of little kids.

"Guys can we at least think of a way to actually do this!? " I whined for the ninth time

" I don't care wht you chose as long as we get this over with. " Carter saltly answered and rubbed his hand when Harper through the dictionary at him.  While everyone eles had a blank expression and shrugged their shoulders at me.

" Ugh you guys are hopeless. " I said and pulled up power point and wrote all of our names on the project. " Look were doing a power point now all of you get out the house I've had enough of ALL OF YOU!" I said closing my laptop and walking up stairs.

"I live here to you know!" Carter yelled after me.

"How could I for get!?! " I yelled out of my bed room and closed the door.

God they get in my nerves.  I'm not even talking about Carter and his friends.  I mean Sara and Harper.  Like I you don't want to do the project with them don't talk to them.  Don't add in to there annoying news it's not going to work. 

Sorry for the wait(if there was).  I was getting stuck on how to have them work on the project. So you know who bella is going to be . The next update should be in two weeks.  The days I update are going to start to be really random cause I'm swamped with alot of homework. 

Sorry for any Grammer errors

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