chapter 5

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"sir she should be okay. We just have to wait until she wakes up to make sure she is recovering fine." I heard a person say.I heard a door close.

I tyred to open my eyes but they were to heavy to open. So I went to move my body, it hurt so much that I stopped and listened.

"What happened if she doesn't wake up?" A voice I heard before.

"Don't way that Sara. Sophie's a fighter she's going to wake up." Another familiar voice said.

"Arron you don't know that! This is all her family's fault. You know there going to take her to foster care when she wakes up. Then we won't ever see her again."

"I wouldn't say that if I was you." Arron replied

"What are you talking about its all true!" Sara said the broke down in tears.

The door opens and foot steps were all that was heard."Actually Arron's right." I knew that voice all to well.


"What." Sara said. At the point my eyes shot open and I sat there quietly.

"I'm talking Sophie home when she wakes up then when she turns 18 she can chooses to stay or move out."

"R-really!" I choked out and everyones head snap towards me

"Sophie!" Sara and Harper yelled and rushed to either sides of me.(if you guys don't remember who harper is reread the first chapter)

Sara passed me some water and I toke it thankfully." Thanks. Guys in fine just a little bit sore."

"I would hope so you have been sleeping for two days now." Harper said with a small chuckle.

"Two days!?"

"Yea you had us all scared."Arron said joining in our conversation."

"Miss. Taylor I see your up.Hello I'm  your doctor lilly "

"Yea.Please call me Sophie." I said to the doctor

"Okay. What do you remember before the accident."

"Well I came home and my mom was really drunk and started yelling at me my dad can in and he yelled at me the left the room and then my mom attacked me and I didn't want to fight back because that would only make I worse and I got up thinking it was done but it wasn't so when she pushed me my head hit the table and everything went black."

"Okay thank you Sophie."

"Welcome." I replied back then the doctor left the room but came back in.

"Okay Sophie you are going to be let go in about two to three days depending on you health. Now your going to go back to live with your dad if there is a -"

"Yes!" I yelled before he could finish

"What may that be."

"He hits me to."

"Okay hold on one minute." The doctor said then walked put of the room and came back in about 15 minutes later."So both of your parents have been arrested for child abuse. When you get let go you will be sent into foster care-"

"Well wait just a minute. I have custody of Sophie from her aunt that passed it down to me before she was killed.So she is not going to foster care she is coming to live with me?" Anna exclaimed while pulling out a peice of paper and handed it to the doctor.

"Well Sophie I guess you are going to live with miss. Anna here. So I'm going to let you get your rest and get out of your hair."

"Okay thank you doc."

"No problem at all sweetheart just try to get some sleep."

"I'll try."

With that the doctor left the room. And everyone was looking at me like I'm weird.

"What!" I snapped because none would say anything.

"How come you never left." Harper

"Ummm idk let's see. I had a job since 8th grade, I have a little over 5 grand to my name on and don't forget I can't move put until I'm 16." I said listing the things that were keeping me stuck at home.

"Oh" she said with a apologetic voice.

"Guys don't start that." I said getting comfortable

"What?" Arron and Sara said at the same time

"The pity and stuff. I didn't need it then and I sure as hell don't need it now. Now if you don't mind I'm getting tired so you can stay or leave but I don't care."

"Okay." Sara said looking at me then turned to the others."Only two people can stay with her." She stated.

"I'm staying." Anna said

"So am I." Harper added

"Well I have work." Arron chimed I'm

"My mother is waiting for me so bye soph." Sara said and hug me

"See ya soph and get better."Arron said and hugged me too

"Bye guys!" I yelled

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. As soon as I closed my eyes I was token into a deep dream.


So what do you guys think. I've been writing since 3 in the morning.! Y neighbors decided to have a party. The rudeness now a day.  So I may slow down on the updates because my practice falls in the days I would write for you guys.

This book  is NOT EDITED!! Sorry for any grimmer issuses.



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