Chapter 10

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Carter's P. O. V

As I walked out of the bathroom I noticed sophies is up.Maybe she needs a ride to school."Sophie do you need a ride to school?"

"No I have a car." was her reply and then she jiggled her keys in my face.

Well damn if I knew she had her period I wouldn't of asked. Woman. Your nice to then and they don't get what they want and there BITCHES. I walked down the stairs and I had a quick conversation with my mom and left for school.


I got to the school and meet up with the guys that were already there. Which was everyone but Nate.

"Did you talk to your housemate? "Ivan asked which got a chuckle out of Evan and Zach.

"I tried to but there's a stick so far up her ass that's not coming out. " this got a roar of laughter from Victor and Zach. Then Ivan pulled out his wallet and payed Evan 20 dollars."You guys made a bet to see what was going to happen?"

"No they" Victor pointed to Evan and Ivan. "made a bet we just watched." Victor said in between laughs.

"You guys are the worst. " Nate said making his presents known.

" Look who decided to show up. "Evan and Ivan said together.

" Oh shut up. " Was all he stated.

The bell for first period rung and Evan, Nate and I made our way to class.

We got into first period and made our way to the back and talked for a couple of minutes until the bell for the class rung.

" Okay class for the next few weeks we are will be joined with Ms . Mills class." an cue Ms. Mills class walkes in and in come Sophie, Harper and Sara walk in. I turned my head to the sides and saw both of the guys with similar smirks on their face.

"You guys are going to be pared up to do a project together. Before you guys start giving each other your secret looks to tell each other we will be working together, we already made your partner . you guys will work in groups of six. Three from my class and three from Ms. Mills. All of you guys will have to do a certain part of the project.  So your not pushing all the work onto one person. The topic of this project is a get to know your peers. "

I looked over to the side to see Evan drawing some type of Dragon and I threw my hand to the side to mess him up.  He instantly punched me back.

"Carter and Evan! Would you like to share with the class what you to are doing or would you guys like to work on this project by yourself?" Ms. Jonhson

"How would we do that this is a group project.  So we would need to work on this with more than one person."I saited being a smart ass.

"Then I guess you guys will get a zero and fail this quarter if you don't pay attention. " she said rolling her eyes. "like I was saying this project is worth half of your grade this semester .  This will be due two months from now."

She started to ramble on some more until she called the groups. "Carter, Evan, Sophie, Sarah, Ivan and Harper."  I looked at the guys and we all had smirks on our faces. This is going to be a good project. "Now Carter, Ivan and Evan I can trust you guys to work together with the girls right?"

"Yes Ms. " we all mumbled  and both classes laughed.

" Okay all of you guys can start working in your project. Try not to make to much noise." Ms. Johnson said looking at my group that's is now siting in the back of the room.

"Bitch." Ivan mumbled. 

I watched as the girls made their way over here.  Sophie and Sara said something and Harper pushed them n her checks flamed up and she looked at Ivan  then her checks flamed up more.

So Harper likes Ivan. I smirked at that thought and how this was going to be a good way to Harasse one of them later.

"So what do you guys want to do to get this hell whole of a project out of the way? "

" well I was thinking we could make a power point and on a slide we could make it about what we thought about all of us before then after to make this as less painful as it is. " Sophie said drawing on a paper.

" anyone got a better way of doing this? " Evan said looking at everyone else who all held the same let's-just-get-this-over-with look." I guess where doing sophies idea then.

Okay so I updated a little because I was so caught up with school and practice that I fought all about my books.  I want to give you guys a pre-thanksgiving gift.  Yes I said pre so I will be updating again next week. 

Sorry for any Grammer issues

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