Chapter 8 (flashback and real life)

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  Zach (Flashback)
"babe Zach and I will be back I think I left my glasses over at the mini golf section" Jack says before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the other side of the building.... "You left you glasses in the car" I say and he frowns, "I know I just wanted to get away from Gabbie for a little" he says softly leaning aganist the wall and sliding onto the floor,  "You ok?" I whisper sitting beside him.... "No" He says back, I look at him and he just stares off into the sun set and that's when it hit me... His big brown eyes... His beautiful face.... His soft lips.... Just everything about him is perfect... And this boy beside me is hiding something from me and it's hurting him.... "Jack, Look at me" I say and he doesn't move, I put my finger under his chin and turn his head to make contact with his beautiful eyes, "I know we haven't known each other for long but just know you can tell me anything" I say and he nods... His eyes looked so glossy, I pulled my hand away but we kept staring into each other's eyes, "JACKY, ZACH" We hear Gabbies annoying voice yell, "Coming babe" Jack says with a sign, I stand up and pull him up too

Jack (Real life)

  We get in the car and drive torwards Zachs house, "thank you guys" He says and I smile at him... He gets out and walks to the door to be greeted by his dad who was obviously drunk,  I watched as his dad pushed him into the ground and yelled at him, I get out of the car as his dad goes back inside, Zach was on the ground crying, I helped him up and hugged him, "Come to the hotel with us" I whispered as I rubbed his back as he cried, I look to Gabbie and she looks at me annoyed, Zach and I get back in the car and I tell Gabbie Zachs staying at the hotel with us tonight. We get to the hotel and Gabbie storms up to the room, Zach and I walk slowly I notice Zach limping a little and rubbing his lower back, "He hurt you" I said softly and he shook his head, "Im ok" He said back and I grabbed his arm, "Let me see" I said "No im fine Jack" He says and I grab him again this time he just let it happened, I pull the back of his shirt up revealing a bunch of scratches and I bruise... "Zach" I whisper taking a picture of it and showing him, "Im used to it" He said and I frowned....  

The rest of the night we talked and had fun together, Its likw we were meant to be friends,  Bestfriends...

*Woah a instagram chapter thats more then 100 words WOW*

Word count- 492

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