Chapter 16(rl)

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Seaveydaniel- First day in LA was 100% a success😊Comments-

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Seaveydaniel- First day in LA was 100% a success😊

Corbynbesson- Wowza😍😘❤🍉😍

Seaveydaniel- Corbynbesson ☺😶😏😋😘


Mamaherron- I SHIP IT


Corbynbesson- Why is LA so beautiful like honestly?

Seaveydaniel- Your the most beautiful thing I see😍

Corbynbesson- 😍Not when I'm standing next to you Seaveydaniel

Jackaverymusic- SMOOTH Corbynbesson

                   *Corbyns pov*

  Jonah brought Daniel and I back to Jack and his apartment while Zach and Jack had some alone time... "Hey I'm gonna run across the street and grab some snacks, I'll be right back" Jonah says and we both nod..  He walks out and leaves Daniel and I alone.. In this huge beautiful apartment... I look at the boy sitting in front of me... I've been wanting to tell him how much I like him for while and todays the day... "Dani" I whisper, "Yah corby" He says.. "You know what.. I'm just gonna say it.. I'm done being scared" I say and he looks at me confused, I grab his hands and take a last deep breath before letting everything out.. "Daniel... I know we always joke about liking each other but it hurts... it hurts when people comment stuff about us on our instagrams and it hurts when our friends joke about us... It hurts because I dont want it to be a joke..  I want it to be real..  I want to be able to hold you and kiss you.. I want to call you mine Daniel Seavey..." I say and then I look up to meet the glossy eyes on Daniel, "Corbyn..." he says... "Shhh" I whisper leaning my forehead against his.. "I love you Daniel... Please... Can I call you mine" I say almost touching his lips with mine, "Only if you kiss me" he says and I giggle before connecting our lips and pulling him onto my lap, "Yes" he says.... And that was it... Nothing more... nothing less... But that was the start of dorbyn...

*Hope you like this chapter..  a little dorbyn for ya ily all*

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