Conversa-wait no scratch that

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Sorry about me being away for awhile, I was focused on high school so I didn't get to continue this. Anyway let's get started.

John 117's POV:
Cortana: I think they can't talk.

John: Well would explain why he didn'tanswer my question.

I replied while lowering my shotgun and walking towards the figure. He was still staring at us, though I can understand why. But I don't think my ammo would do anything to his armor.

'Oh now he lowers his gun, but I'm not sure if he's corrupt, I've seen too much army of Darkness and Evil dead to know that demons try to trick others.'

I thought as I had my shotgun ready, but he noticed immediately. This caused him to raise weapon at me again.

'Shit. Cat like reflexes if not better.'

I thought, knowing it'll be bad for both of us.

Samuel Hayden: I suggest you don't attack each other.

'Hayden? For fuck sake what does he want now?'

Hayden: I think there is reason why this person with green power armor is here, judging by all data records we have of earth, he is not from earth, or possibly our universe for that matter.

(Please some of my fellow Halo fans tell me what planet John 117 was from)

'Your point is?'

Hayden: Use VEGA to question him, find out what he is, or where he came from.


I lower my shotgun, so does green giant. As soon as we do that, VEGA gets displayed for the both of us to see. He turns to the guy who was pointing his gun at me earlier.

VEGA: Greetings, I am Vega, this facilities artificial Intelligence. I was instructed to ask you questions of your origin and where you came from.

'So he's going to be interrogated, but I'm not sure if it's a good thing.'

The green giant answered most of his questions, some with "classified." 'What could be so private? We're in a demon infested facility on mars, for crying out loud.'

Before I could answer myself, I hear the hellspawns shreak, I was ready for them, looked like the other guy was to. I checked if my shotgun had ammo, which it did. I could feel the anger and the hatred coming back to me. Once they turned the corner, they were hose down with buckshot, gore everywhere. Just then, two hellknights came around the corner I ran at the and launched a grenade from my shotgun at zitface causing it to be slightly dazed. I poured shell after shell into one of the hellknight. It eventually staggered, which went up behind it and broke the thing's neck. I turn to the other one and swapped to my chainsaw. I ran at the hellspawn and let my chainsaw go to work.

Green power ranger: Remind me to not piss you off.

'Well, I'm always angry. Tin man.'

We started to proceed through the halls of the facility. We also went to stop the facility from having a meltdown, because the crazy old lady began fiddling with the damn terminal that maintains the core.

Timeskip. Today's sponsor is the badass video game characters that wear green group (might become a chapter if you guys want tell if so).

John 117's POV:
Cortana doesn't seem to trust him, but I have a gut feeling that if he's been the only one to survive in the hallways, and that he didn't shoot us immediately after he saw us, he earned my trust. I thought this, walking beside the person. We both did say a word, but Cortana broke silence

Cortana: So what happened to this facility?

He just pointed to the intercom blaring.

Demonic Presence at unsafe levels, lockdown in effect.

Cortana: I there anyone else alive?

He responded with shaking his head.

John: Are you human?

He gestured a "maybe" and shrugged. We reach some sort of biomass made of gore and blood that gave my a flashback of the flood, causing me to instinctively tried to grab my throat to try and rip an infection form off, but realise that there was nothing there, which I calmed down. (I bet you know what I mean by that)

Cortana: Chief are you alright?

I heard Cortana ask me, remembering without her, I would've been just another pawn for the flood.

John: Don't worry, I'm fine...what are we going to do about the lockdown?

I say as our green friend walks up to the biomass and raises his fist.

The Doom Slayer's POV:
'I know I am taking a big risk with my companion, but I feel like he has fought something that is just as ugly and dangerous as the demon scum.'

I thought as I punch the gore nest where the heart is, ripping it out, and crushing it. Then it started to screech as demons teleport in the room I ready my shotgun and sprint towards them. I punch an imp in its mouth, then blasted him with buckshot. Mr. Green power ranger is going to work as well, using his shotgun and some sort of a bullpup burt rifle...neet.


I get hit in the chest with a fireball, doesn't do much, after his head explodes. I turn to see a hell knight getting absolutely riddled with buckshot, knowing that me fellow green tin man can handle his own.


'He can slam fire his shotgun? I want one of those.'

(Timeskip, brought to you by Master Chief showing the DOOM Slayer what the Flood is)

We cleared all of the gore nests and the lock down is done, we just need to stop the core meltdown. That old lady must be stopped before she completes her wild goose chase for power.

(Jeez 977 words...well 1005 counting this note, comment if you guys want me to make that "badass heroes" chapter, anyways see you guys in the next chapter)

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