Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to I dedicate this chapter to my sister Alexis

Here's the second chapter. Enjoy

"Really?" I asked Bree bewildered through the phone as I walked through Marilyn way. A peaceful neighborhood that basically nothing bad really happens here.

I'm here in this neighborhood because I was taking the long way to the grocery store and needed a small change of scenery.

Bree was just telling me how Leo let a whole bunch of flies out at school while I was on a mission. Funny how they always seem to get into the weirdest of situations.

"I know, one of these days Leo is going to learn that cheating is not always the answer" Bree said making me chuckled.

"Cheaters never win" I said as Bree agreed. Suddenly I heard a loud scream coming from a house just a block away from here.

Bree obviously heard so she asked panicked "Mia? Mia, are you ok? Mia...?"

I looked at the direction the scream came from and saw smoke near the house by Ms. Santiago's. My mom's yoga instructor.

"...I'm going to have to call you back..." I mumbled as Bree yelled "Don't you dare hang up on me Mia-!"

I didn't cear the rest of what she was going to say, instead I hung up and began to run towards where the smoke was coming from. I knew I was going to need a good explanation to hanging up on Bree like that but right now some things are more important.

"Help me please, my baby is in there!" I heard a woman yell, pleading to a firefighter who was trying to keep her calm. Behind her, a 2 story house was burning up in flames and you could here a ton of screaming but not from the inside.

I don't know what came over me but suddenly I was running past all the people who were just standing by and all the cops, towards the house. A cop tried to grab me but I was fast enough to dodge him and continued to run.

Opening the door I was greeted by a ton of smoke engulfing my lungs and screaming surrounding my sence of hearing.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I yelled through the burning house when all of a sudden a piece of the ceiling fell down, just missing me fortunately.

I kept looking throughout the house when suddenly I heard a small wimper coming upstair which soon turned into a full on cry.

Running up the stairs I was followed by the flames almost burning my heels. The distant crying increased as I continued to run down the narrow hallway filled with rooms when I came across the nursery.

It had a small crib in the center as the whole room was surrounded with baby toys and clothes.

It was as if something inside me sparked and I saw a huge nursery that look like it was a part of a room in a palace. A woman stood by the balcony with a noticeable bump, long blond hair, and wearing a beautiful white nightgown.

She was staring over the balcony of the nursery looking troubled while holding a small penguin pillow pet to her chest.

"mommy?!" I was suddenly brought back to earth when I saw a little boy flailing his arms up as if he sensed panic and danger near.

I grabbed him as he held me tightly for dear life. I couldn't help but feel jealous of him. I mean in his crib he was just a small boy, vulnerable to anything and yet his mom just left him. But his mom didn't do it intentionally.

'Unlike me' I thought to myself as I held the boy tight and began to run out to the nearest exit since the door was blocked by flames. If you move your body to a certain position and jump through a window you don't get cut really.

I landed on my back, making sure the baby didn't get hurt before standing up and walking towards the closest firefighter. I handed them the kid before collapsing on the ground in exhaustion.

"Hello Ms. Falcon. Nice to see your awake." I heard someone say as they patted my forehead with a wet cloth.

"Where am I?" I asked sitting up. The woman who was patting my head with water answered "your in an ambulance. You collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion, probably from running into a burning building. Your very lucky to still be alive after that Ms. Falcon."

"Oh...ok" was my response after that. I didn't exactly have anything to say, and I guess I really didn't have to because the paramedic left before I said anything. I grabbed my jacket and pulled it closer to me.

I heard someone calling my name but I didn't look up. I'm not traumatized, no I'm far from that. I'm actually upset and hurt and...angry. I'm really angry, furious and I just want to yell at someone, something, anything! I can't take it, I really can't.

"Mia, are you alright? Sweetie look at me" I heard Tasha say making me look up. She looked angry but relieved. No one else was with her and I was thankful because I really didn't want people surrounding me and asking me all these questions.

"What in the world were you thinking, pulling a stunt like that? Do you know you could have gotten hurt? Or worse, killed?" I knew she was furious with me, and I couldn't blame her. I would be furious with me too. When I looked her in the eye it was as if all my frustrations and tears were let out and suddenly I was sobbing.

Tasha just held me close as I sobbed onto her shoulder, letting everything out. She just whispered how everything was going to be fina and that she was there for me if I ever need her

I don't know what happened after that but the next thing I knew I blacked out.

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