Chapter 12

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"Hello Amelia." I heard someone greet as I opened my eyes. Wait, I opened my eyes? Aren't I suppose to be dead?

"Where am I?" I asked, standing up to see a man wearing black pants, a ripped up black t-shirt that was leather, a sword being held up by his belt, knives in the pockets of his boots, his hair in a dark brown mess and his face had a few cuts that were fading away.

We weren't in a dark room like I'd thought we'd be in. Instead we were in a forest, no paths to be seen meaning we were near the center.

Looking down at myself I noticed I was wearing black boots with knives in it's pockets, black pants with a sword belt around my hips, a white t-shirt but it was covered by a black leather jacket. My hair was down, a hairstyle I rarely use, and the only thing on my hands was Chase's ring and...the very thing that killed me. The blue bracelet cuffs.

I tried to claw them off but the man stopped me and said ",I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not?" I asked agitated. He simply answered ", if anything you recognize from the other world has meaning to you, they don't come off. Even if you don't particularly like them."

"Who are you?" I eyed him, getting closer, keeping my guard up. I don't know who the hell he was yet I wasn't taking any risks.

He smirked at me ", My name is Sparrow. The devilishly handsome man who takes what he gets."

I glared at him and said ", ok then Sparrow, how do you know my name and do you know why I'm even here?"

Sparrow laughed and responded ", yes actually, your here because your one of a few people who escaped death. I should know because I've done it before."

"That doesn't answer my first question"

He rolled his eyes ", You brunettes are so stubborn. Let me finish and then we can get to the whole 'exciting' part of this conversation alright." When I didn't say anything, he continued ", anyway, since you escaped death, you were sent here to this world to learn a lesson. I don't know what but I do know is that once you have learned what you were sent here to find you will go back to wherever you came from. The reason I know your name is because it's my job to guide you through whatever you need to learn and on the way, I as well will go back to where I came from."

I raised my eyebrow at him ",that doesn't really explain how in the world I escaped death. I thought death was unescapable."

"It is, but it's rare when you do. You see its not easy to escape death but when you do, it's for a reason. To learn the error of your ways, to fight for what you believe, for family, and some rare occasions, for love."

Suddenly my ring began to glow when he said the last part making his eyes widen in surprise. "Well, I now know why your here. People who die for love is very rare, in fact it has to be true in order for you to be here."

"True love? Doesn't that only exist in fairytales?"

Sparrow shook his head ", no, true love is everywhere. Even if you don't see it. Whoever gave you that ring, cares about you deeply and isn't ready to give up on you."

My heart fluttered when I remembered the moment Chase gave me the ring. It was right before everything crashed but I wouldn't change that moment for anything.

"So why are you here then?" I asked, getting closer to him while being very cautious. Still don't really know him so not taking any risks.

He frowned as we began walking deeper into the forest ", well, I need to find my son. He didn't die nor escape death. In fact he was kidnapped by a man named Graham. Probably to lure you here."

I raised an eyebrow at him ", why would he want to lure me. I don't even know the guy."

Now it was his turn to look at me ", Your joking, right?"

"No, I'm not."

He stayed silent and didn't say anything getting me angry. Right before I was about to burst he asked ", are you sure you want to know? I don't want to tell you something you aren't ready for."

I glared at him but I'm sure he didn't notice. "Do you know who king Mason Countress is?" He asked, making me raise an eyebrow at him. What does the dead king of the planet Xylan have to do with me?

Sparrow somehow read my mind because he began to answer "He's the king of the planet Xylan. Fell in love with-"

"- the evil Queen, Victoria of Aries. I know this story already. It's one of the main reasons supervillans hate superheroes. They fell in love, she ripped out his heart to show her people she wasn't weak. " I cut him off as we began to walk down a steep hill.

Sparrow laughed at me as if he knew more. I guess he did because he continued ",That's what everyone thinks. They were in love and though it was forbidden, it was true. Her people thought she was going soft so they tried to kick her out of power but Victoria was to strong so they tried to find another way to kick her out. What they didn't know is that King Mason and Queen Victoria had a baby."

My eyes widend in surprise ", They did! If anyone found out, they would surely kill the poor thing. Imagine all the power it possesses and it would be a threat to both sides. By the time it comes of age, it'll have to choose a side and by then it may be a threat to all of mankind."

He gave me an exasperated look making me blush in embarrassment. Sparrow continued ", Not necessarily. This child is able to see both sides of those world's which could solve the fued between the supers and the villains. The thing is that Villains don't to give that up. Victoria and Mason knew this so they sent their child down to earth-"

"-to give him it's best chance of survival"

"Exactly." Sparrow confirmed, taking out his sword and began to walk into the thorn forest. I followed pursuit.

I was still confused about everything so I asked him ", what does this have to do with me?"

He paused, turned his head to look at me and answered ", your the child they sent down to earth 16 years ago."

Wait! Mia's a princess? It was pretty obvious since she found the crown and all. If anyone saw that then your awesome, or I'm just becoming too predictable.

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