Chapter 13

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"The castle is just past the hills. By tomorrow night, we would have arrived by the palace and gotten the-"

"-magic mirror that let's you see what you are searching for and how to leave here. You've told me a million times Sparrow." I grumbled as my tired feet walked up the hillside.

I would have used my powers but they're useless here.

"Well someone's in a bad mood," Sparrow chuckled as he took out his throwing knives.

I sat on the ground and groaned. We've been here for 3 days, I'm not use to having no power with me.

Makes me feel...defenseless.

Also I just feel upset because I haven't seen them in weeks.

Being able to hear but not see sucks!

Now I know why the dead are so confused, so angry, so... lost.

"Could you get some firewood? I rather eat a cooked meal than a raw one." Sparrow asked, walking towards the flock of birds down the hill.

I stood up and began to walk towards the clutter of trees. It was dark out so it was cold and since I don't have my powers the cold affects me alot more.

I broke a few twigs here and there while trying to keep warm when suddenly there was a bright light.

Not bright enough to make it seem like day but bright enough to light up a pathway towards it.

Curiously, I walked towards it, dropping all the twigs in my hand and pulling out the sword.

The light seemed to fade away but it was still light enough to see a figure on the ground trying to get up.

"Hello?" He asked, his back turned to me as I pointed my sword to his back.

He stiffened a little and as I was about to ask him who he was, in less than a second he found a way to take my sword and push me against the tree.

The sword was flushed against my skin but for some reason I couldn't seem to care. I was glaring at this person as he asked ", who are you?"

My heart pounded so loudly against my chest that I was afraid he would hear it.

It wasn't because I was scared, it was because I recognized the sound of that voice.

His voice.

I looked up to see his green orbs staring into my brown ones with anger and confusion. I knew he didn't recognize me as well because it was dark but I got use to it.

His are still adjusting.

"Chase?" I breathed out, scared.

Not of him but the reason he's even here. Chase lowered my sword and asked me ", is it really you?"

I nodded and in an instant, his lips were on mine as we kissed urgently. My lips were on fire and everywhere he touched, left goosebumps in it's wake.

"I thought you were dead," Chase says a little breathless as his forehead rested against mine. Our bodies were pressed against eachother tightly, as if we loosen our grip, we'll disappear.

"I'm half way dead but not there. That's why I'm here, to learn something and to treasure it more once I leave. At least, that's what I think I'm here for." I responded, still looking at his eyes.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Adam hit me on the head by accident and now I'm just having a concussion. Nothing major."

I sighed sadly and said ", I miss you guys. It's really lonely without you."

Chase smiled ", same here." His smile faulted ", we were going to do a funeral for you until Leo noticed the ring I gave you was glowing. He had a feeling that you were still alive, just lost somewhere. Thank god word didn't spread."

"Do they know." I asked Chase, referring to my family. He shook his head and responded ", all they know is that you and Bree are having the world's longest sleepover."

I slightly smiled, only slightly before moving my face towards his shoulder and rested it there. Chase sighed and said ", It's sucks how we can't be together."

I laughed sadly ",I know. With all that's going on, there's no time for kissing, going on dates, holding hands. What normal people do."

Chase held me tightly and said ",but we aren't normal and we won't ever be."

"When you wake up, it's all going to be a blur you know," I said as Chase lead me by a tree and sat down against it. I laid my head against his chest as he said ",I know but at least I'll know your ok. We all will and I will come back to get you from here."

I smiled ",I know you will. You always find me. Even when you don't intend too."

I closed my eyes as everything around me faded away taking me to a world in my head where they shall forever be known as dreams.

My dreams.

I put in a Chalia moment! That's Chase's and Mia's ship name. well Chase and Amelia's ship name. I have a feeling Chia is taken so Chalia it is! Chase will make an appearance again and in the next chapter there will be a ball and... a mirror! ooooh spooky. Hope you like this chapter, kind of came out weird but it is midnight where I am so of course it's going to be weird but hey.

oh, there is also going to be an added character to this story but not telling until the time comes. I will tell you that this character is based on someone who wanted to be in my story and I think will fit perfectly! vote and comment!

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