Chapter 3

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"Bree! I really need to speak to yo-oh hey Catlin." I greeted, giving them both a smile but I really needed to speak to Bree. After the whole house fire I haven't exactly talked to the Davenport's in a while.

It's just that I needed some time on my own to think and it may have taken a week but I finally am fully calm and relaxed.

"Hey." Catlin greeted back as if expecting someone else to follow through the door. I quickly caught on and knew that something was up and it involved a boy.

Bree gave me a smile and said "Hey Mia. Catlin and I are just sitting in the living room doing nothing. Wouldn't you rather go to a movie?"


"Yogurt shop?"


"Buy matching pink cars and race across country?"


"Okay Catlin. What is going on with you? All you ever want to do is hang out in my living room?" Bree asked, slightly agitated.

I smiled and asked her knowingly "you have a crush on someone don't you?"

"With who?" Bree asked, leaning in closer to her as I sat on the couch next to Catlin.

"Man, do you have some sort of superpower that allows you to read minds? I guess I should tell you. The reason I always want to hang out at your house is because... I kinda have a crush on Adam." She admitted as my eyes went wide.

"Adam who?" Bree asked before realization etched across her face.

"Wait my brother Adam? Ew...Catlin no."

"Well the last name does suit you?" I mumbled to myself.

"Why not? Compared to my last two boyfriends, he's an upgrade. For starters he's real."

"Okay first off Adam's not here and second this whole thing is weirding me out. Let's just go to the mall."

"Will Adam be there?" Ok, now it's starting to become and obsession "I'm joking. Sort of. I'm not."

I am pleading to the gods that I won't become that desperate.

"Bree, where's Leo?" I asked and she pointed upstairs. In less than a second I was up the stairs to Leo's room where he was currently getting some parts for his robot.

"Hi Leo" I greeted flopping onto his bed. He didn't even turn his head to look at me, all he did was grunt.

I bit my lip and asked "so...what have you been up too?" Still no answer.

I groaned and yelled "Leo can you please talk to me!"

"There's nothing to talk about"

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and said "look I'm sorry for not calling or talking to you lately, I'm just really frustrated right now, you of all people know that. I'm sorry, is there any way that you'll forgive me?"

Leo had on one of his smiles that scared the crap out of me and said "well, there is one thing..."


"He is so dead when this is over" I mumbled to myself as I walked down the hallways of this robot fighting competition.

People kept on staring at me and licking their lips as I walked down the hallway. Dang it Leo! Why can't you see that this is ruining everything I believe in.

"Mia?" I heard a bewildered voice ask making me spin around. My eyes widened when I saw Chase staring at me, in shock obviously. I turned a dark shade of crimson as I looked down at my outfit which was a light blue cheerleading outfit Leo told me to wear. I wanted to make up with him and this was the only way.

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