Chapter 11

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"Hey Mia," I heard Bree greet me, as a chair scraped besides me and I felt her grab my hand.

"It's been a week since the last time I've actually spoken to you...not that I didn't want to speak you's hard to explain." Bree sighed frustrated and I felt something warm splash onto my wrist.

Bree was crying.

Squeezing my hand, she pleaded "Mia, please wake up. You promised that I would never lose you so please don't break it. I know this sounds so selfish but I need you here. With us."

She stayed silent for a moment before continuing ", you know. A few weeks ago, Leo told us he went to an alternate dimension and that in that alternate dimension, Kylie was the live superhero. You were...gone. At the time, I didn't think of it much but something in the back of my mind told me otherwise. Then, when I saw you in the hallway..."

She couldn't speak no more, I knew because she started sobbing and I couldn't help but let out a few tears of my own.

When she finally gained control of her sobbing, she continued ",...I thought you were dead. You weren't moving, your heartbeat came and slipped multiple times and you could barely breathe. I didn't even think that Marcus ever did that to you but now - now I just want to...ugh!"

I tried to squeeze her hand to comfort her but I couldn't do that.

I hate being so...this!


"I'm sorry about the way I'm acting. I just can't help the way I feel about all of this. It's just that, your my sister and I love you. You've been there for all of us since the beginning and not once have you ever let us down but now we're losing you. Mr. Davenport says that there's a slight chance you may not make it but I refuse to believe that."

"Amelia Falcon is a fighter and you of a people know that so don't give up, please." I felt her hand slip away from mine as she left the room.

It was silent for a few moments but eventually I felt someone hesitantly wrap their hand around mine.

"Hello Mia. I actually don't know what to say since we don't really speak to eachother." Mr. Davenport said awkwardly. My lips quirked up a bit but I'm sure that he didn't notice.

He started to laugh "I remember when we first met, Tasha and I were on our first date. You and Leo were dressed up as a college student and an old lady, not the best disguise since Leo looked alot like the stick version of Beyoncé in a wheelchair with spectacles on. Leo suggested that you guys can spy on his mom to see if I wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable in any way. I found it amusing but, you can remember how angry Tasha had been."

I wanted to laugh at that but I didn't.

He just continued "I hope you wake up Mia. I would really like to get to know you better, from what I've heard, you really are a part of this family. You've always have been."

He let go of my hand and just like that, I began to cry.

I tried to move again but nothing worked.

Instead of moving, I felt the thin thred keeping me alive break and I began to fall.

The last thing I heard was the heart monitor go blank.

And just like that...

... I was gone.

Now I know some of you might be furious with me since I technically killed Mia but she will be back.  I almost cried when writing Bree's part since I had to try to make it as realistic as possible from first person but as you can see, I write better when I write in 3rd person.

*Spoiler Alert* (Don't read this if you want to be surprised)
Mia is...________________

sorry, couldn't do it. You'll have to read it yourself. ooooooo, I'm so evil. but im also a nice person so I'll tell you one thing, Chase will see Mia again but in between worlds of life and death. How? You'll just have to read to find out.

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