Chapter 5

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"Mia?" I heard someone say, well more like ask.

I just grumbled in annoyance, it was one in the morning and someone is waking me up for who knows what.

"Mia. Are you up?" I heard another voice ask and instead of ignoring whoever was asking, I sat up and answered "now I am. What's wrong?'

Matt cleared his throat and asked "Mia, is it true that you're not our sister?"

"Is that why you're so mad at mom and dad? Is it because you aren't related to them...and us?" Jen asked and my heart felt like the time at the dance when Chase was with another girl, but worse. A lot worse.

"Come here" I said, trying to hold back tears while having my arms opened while for the two 8 year olds.

They both jumped onto my bed and held me tightly while letting out their tears.

I didn't want to cry because right now I had to comfort them, what hood would it be if I began crying.

Not good.

When they finally calmed down I answered their questions without crying "Guys, I will always be your sister, blood related or not. I'm not mad at mom and dad, if I was it would even more crazier than it really is. You know that. I love you guys, I love you a lot more than you know. I love you two, Jake, and mom and dad so don't think that just because we aren't blood related, we aren't family. We'll always be family no matter what ok you two."

"M'kay." They both mumbled while resting themselves on my shoulders. Eventually Matt fell asleep but Jen stayed up. I knew something was on her mind so I asked "Jen, what's up? "

"Can you sing to me. You know, the old song you use to sing to me last year, please?" Her eyes were wide open and contained full innocence and hope.

I nodded making her relax onto the mattress. Taking a deep breath, I began to sing.

" Some girls are fair
Some are jolly and fit
Some have a well-bred air
or a well-honed wit

Each one's a jewel
with a singular shine
a work of art
with it's own rare design

Dear little girl,
you are terribly blessed
But it's your heart of gold
I love the best

And that will be your crowning glory
your whole life through
It'll always be your crowning glory
The most glorious part of you

Some boys can waltz
Some guys can groove
Strike an elegant pose
With the really hip clothes
Some seem to have no faults
But we never like those
He'll praise your eyes
Your melodious laugh
Call you more lovely than others by half
The one who's right
Will be honest and true
He'll believe in you too
And prize your heart of gold the way I do

He'll know that will be your crowning glory your whole life through
Your love will see that it's your crowning glory
The most glorious part of you

That will be your crowning glory
Darling when they tell your story
They'll call your heart of gold your crowning glory
The most glorious part of you"

Looking back down at my sister I noticed how she hummed the song for a few moments before asking "where did you learn that song?"

Responding, I said "I've grown up knowing that song. Now go to sleep Jen, you don't want to go to school cranky do you?"

"Love you Mia"

"Love you too princess"

Julie Andrews and Raven (from that's so Raven) sang that together in the princess diaries. Crowning glory. My favorite song in the move other than Breakaway and to be honest I love the sisterly bond these two have. even though they are not blood related, they are still sisters no matter what. I know this Chapter's short but what the hey. I kind of edited the song because she isn't doing a duet nor is singing to pop so try to imagine it as if a girl is softly singing it as a lullaby instead of pop in it and a duet. Please like and comment and have an awesome day (or night).

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