Chapter 17

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My friend Erin wanted to write this Chapter. If you see any similarities from a fanfiction that's because she used that chapter in her story to write this one. I hope you like it!


"Hey Chase, Adam" I greeted them while standing in the lunch line behind Chase.

"Hey Mia, wanna see the new trick I learned after school?!" Adam said excitedly as Chase rolled his eyes.

"Sure Adam," I replied, paying for my lunch and walking over to the table they usually sit at. Putting my tray down, I looked up to see that Chase got the nasty yellow looking, chair.

He wobbled it around for a bit ",Man, I always get stuck with the wobbly chair."

"Here let me fix it. Hold my tray," Adam ordered, handing Chase his tray with a serious look on his face. Before you know it, he tore the backboard off the chair and layed it on the table as if nothing happened.

Chase's eyes widen but it sooned turned into a glare as he hissed ",Adam."

Everyone stared towards our direction and I nudged Chase as if a silent way of asking 'do something'.

"Budget cuts am I right? The evidence is all around us people," Chase continued as he looked at everyone nervously, trying to create a distraction. I nodded agreeing with him as everyone went back to they were doing. Well I have some power, leading people in a way. Chase took a step forward and whispered to Adam angrily ",you maxed out your super strength didn't you?"

Adam scoffed ",of course I did, look who your talking to?"

I bit my lip, stifling a laugh but I held it in so Chase won't kill me afterwards.

"This is so dangerous! You can't control your strength and it might cause a ton of glitches. We have to change you back now," Chase said sternly but Adam looked like he could care less.

"Calm down, your overreacting," Adam reassured, before grabbing his tray and placed it on the table, causing it to break.

Now everyone looked at our direction, startled and standing in their seats. We looked at them nervously before glaring at Adam.

"Ok, you can dial me down to a nine," Adam suggested as we looked at him bewildered. Looking back at the people in the cafeteria, I said ",see, this is what happens when we don't use our money right!"

I was trying to make a distraction of course, as Chase dragged Adam and I out of the cafeteria looking at everyone nervously.


"I can't believe you maxed out your super strength after I specifically told you not to!" Chase said agrivated, as Adam fixed the capsule door. I sat on Leo's mission specialist spin chair, looking at them.

Adam walked up to him and responded, reasoning ", In my defense, you telling me what to is like a monkey telling a hedgehog what to do. It's ridiculous...but it would make an awesome buddy cop movie."

I rolled my eyes and began to use my phone as they argued, again. I was sort of use to this, I mean usually I would be sort of panicked but after the events of dying and finding out about mermaids, I'm kind of...relaxed. Shocking really.

"Can we please just get this over with, I have to get back to school. It's karaoke day in Latin class and I'm singing twinkle, twinkle, little star" Chase complained walking over to the other cyber desk. Adam looked over at Chase confused before he sang twinkle, twinkle, little star in Latin.

"You do know your never going to get a girlfriend, other than Mia right? No offense. " Adam said. I just raised my eyebrow as Chase glared at him and shot back ",yeah, and yours is probably going to cut your food so we're even."

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