Smut II

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Warriors smut. Yikes.

I think we all know why this is considered disgusting. Not because it's sex - I mean, let's be mature now, y'all - but because they're cats. It's just gross? Roleplaying, writing, reading and overall enjoying cat sex is gross as hell. It isn't zoophilia, but it's pretty damn close. It's just very creepy and morally wrong.

But we know all of this already. Most people are pretty disgusted by it and have read rants before about this. I have an earlier rant about this! I mean, why write another rant on this? The first one was very badly written but at least the message is clear. I could rewrite it but there's no real need to. The thing is, I've been seeing a rise in people defending it and leaving hate on the chapter (though I usually just delete it) so I'm mainly writing this out of site.
So what's something different that I can bring to the table?

Hmm, how about that there's strangely kinky smut? Involving prey, watersports, scat and such? I mean... I could. But that's sort of the same issue as before. Kink? Fine, if that's what you like. But they're cats!! We've been over this.

Why am I choosing to write this again? I've had a few people defending it recently and there is more I want to say about this topic. This has been in my drafts for a couple of months and I don't know what the issue was that I was going to bring up so I'll just bullshit my way through this and hope I remember.

Okay, how about the fact that a huge number of these fics involve rape? And in a way that's written as if it's supposed to be sexy? It isn't to write a realistic rape scene, showing the traumatic experience of the whole thing but instead, it's one cat crying while the other dirty talks them, except the victim eventually loves it and agree to fuck again and everyone's supposed to get off to it. Well, it's certainly a major problem that doesn't get talked about enough but there's still nothing new to say about this.

What about the fact that it's all so inaccurate and promotes unhealthy and incorrect sex education? But no one uses it for sex ed, that would be stupid! It's not that big of a deal. They're just fics. They don't have that much of an impact! Okay, but consider this: they do. Think about it. The Warriors fandom is primarily made up of children. Most of us stumble upon these fics as kids. Note the stumbling part - most people accidentally find these! It isn't like they're hidden away. Warnings don't do anything.

The problem is with young kids finding this, they learn incorrect things about what happens in sex and what they're supposed to feel and do. Sex education and the way sex is treated in our society is pretty terrible. With young kids finding this and getting their only other source of sex information from abstinence-based programs in school (or just general shitty school programs? Even ones that aren't abstinence-based are usually awful - not talking about lgbt+ issues, spreading misinformation, etc.) and from porn, (I don't want to go into a huge tangent so I won't explain anything more than porn is very unrealistic and often misogynistic in nature.) finding this stuff only reinforces everything they're getting bombarded with already.

Let's be real, unrealistic cat sex isn't going to damage kids horribly. But that doesn't make it okay. It's still a problem that we don't talk about when discussing warriors smut fics. This isn't an exclusive issue either. All smut is capable of (and often does) perpetrating unrealistic sex information. It's just that warriors smut is targeted at kids while most smut is targeted 18+. When I say it's targeted at kids, it isn't often intentional. But again, this fandom is full of kids and most warriors smut writers are kids themselves. I'm bringing this up because warriors smut fics are riddled with inaccuracies. Let's talk about the common ones that apply to humans though I said it all in the last one.

Vaginas don't have to bleed when penetrated for the first time and he doesn't have to be broken! Hymens don't cover the whole vagina. In fact, there are multiple types of hymens and some are normal, some aren't. If a hymen isn't normal, this causes problems with inserting tampons and having penetrative sex. Surgery is needed to correct this. The hymen shouldn't cover the whole vagina. You don't need to break the skin to penetrate it - otherwise, how would virgins use tampons? It stretches! Though it is possible to tear it. Bleeding can happen and that's fine! But you shouldn't be feeling pain, contrary to all the smut fics that all seem to go "and then her pain turned to pleasure." If sex is hurting, you're not doing right. Feeling uncomfortable? Normal, especially for virgins. But pain? No. You need more lube! Teaching girls that sex is inevitably painful can scare them and cause them to be unable to recognise when something is wrong in sex.

Vaginas aren't supposed to be really tight unless they're clenching during an orgasm or something. Dicks aren't always huge. Rape isn't sexy. No one enjoys it. Misogyny isn't sexy (why are they all like this?) hurting your partner during sex isn't sexy.

Reading smut is fine. Writing smut is fine. Cat smut? Big no. Smut that exists in place easily accessible to kids? Not okay. Perpetrating harmful ideals regarding sex and unrealistic behaviours around something already so misunderstood? Also not okay. People do it without knowing, but it's just so irresponsible. And while it doesn't have a huge effect, it adds to the whole harmful culture around sex.

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