Chapter 22

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I helplessly watched Marydale ran away from me.


What should I do? Think, Edward! Marco! I should call Marco.

I got up and walk inside the suite to get my phone. I went back to the terrace and called Marco.

"Dude, what's up?" He answered.

"You're still at the office?"

"Yes. The longer we debug the app, the more problems we encounter. When are you coming back?"

"Not sure. I asked her to marry me."

"What?! Come again?"

"I said I asked her to marry me."

"Yep, that's what I heard. Have you lost your d@mn mind?!"

"Of course, not! I love her so I proposed."

"My God, Edward! Na-in love ka lang marriage proposal agad? Hindi pwedeng girlfriend muna?"

"Well...she will end up as my wife years from now. Why wait?"

"Get to know her better, first? Know if you're compatible? Test the waters. I don't know, Edward. You tell me."

"Basta I know that I want to be with her all the time."

"How did she react?"

"She ran."

Marco laughed hard. I felt insulted. I was beginning to get really annoyed when he stopped.

"So tell me, how did you propose? Where did you buy the ring?"

"Errr...about the ring..."

"Edward, you proposed without the ring?! How stupid can you be?"


"You know, magaling ka lang talaga pagdating sa computers. In romance department, you sucked!"

"How would I know? I have never been in a relationship before!"

"Exactly what I was telling you. You know nothing. You should have asked her to be your girlfriend first."

"I want to marry her." I adamantly said.

"In time, yes. You can do that a year or years from now. You didn't have to rush the proposal. No wonder she ran away from you."

"I'm serious, Marco. I want everyone to know that she's mine. Including my brother."

"Hmmm...pwede naman long engagement. But I'm sure, as soon as your mom see the ring on her finger, she will see to it that you marry Marydale as soon as possible."

"How did you know?"

"We talked, you know. At the gala. She told me she wanted you to settle down right away."


"Yes. Kung hindi ka na mapipigilan diyan sa proposal mo, you have to do it right, Edward. You buy the ring and find a romantic place to do it. Don't do it half-assed. It should be special. Yung tipong if she look back from that moment in your lives, it will bring her happiness or she will fall in love with you all over again."

"Right. You're right, Marco. I f*cked up."

"There's always a second chance. Wait, did you tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"That you're in love with her, idiot! What else?"


"Hay, Edward. I give up. You know, you should google it. Relationships, marriage proposal, etc. You need it. Before you propose again."


"Run with me your proposal first before you do it again. And let me know when you're coming back. Okay?"

I heard the click. I stood up and walked aimlessly.

I realized I reached the rooftop when I heard someone muttering to herself.

My Yam. She really is beautiful. Even when distressed, she looked too cute. She stopped and looked in my direction.


"Yam." I walked towards her.

She looked like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar. I knew right away what she was going to say to me so I put my finger on her lips.

"I'm sorry, Yam. Just forget about my proposal. I don't want you to feel like you should answer right away. I can wait. I will wait until you're ready."



"But, Edward..."

She wouldn't stop talking so I kissed her.

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