[ 15 ]

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The first thing in the morning Lewis did was make breakfast and drive his daughter to school. He told Samantha to bring Rose home after school and then bring her to the party after she finished her homework.

He drove to Narco's apartment in a hurry. His shirt had not been ironed, jeans wrinkled. His hair was messy, and he had dark circles under his eyes. After a tiresome drive in the bright morning, he arrived at the building.

"Ayoooo," Narco greeted Lewis with a warm and welcoming hug.

"Hi," Lewis said, entering the apartment as quickly as possible.

"Water, coffee or tea?" Narco asked, shutting the door loudly behind him.

"Coffee, please," Lewis sat down on the couch, his posture slumped. Narco ran to the kitchen, busying himself with making the perfect cup of coffee.

Soft footsteps stopped at the doorway. Narco threw a glance over his shoulder, not prepared for the timid smile on Lewis' face. He stared, not knowing why he found it breathtaking. Perhaps it was the way messy black hair shielded Lewis' eyes, posture casual yet with certain pride, hips connected to the frame. It was enough to make his knees buckle.

"Thank you," Lewis took the cup. He took a ginger sip, immediately comforted by the familiarity. His heart leapt at the thought of Narco knowing how he liked his coffee.

They made their way to the living room. Narco sat besides him with confusion etched on his face. Lewis turned towards the confused man and gave a tight-lipped smile, Narco returned a faltering one. They sat in silence — Lewis darted his eyes everywhere but refused to make eye contact with Narco.

"Wanna talk?" Narco gently prodded. The pale man waved the concern away and focused on the warm drink. He didn't know if his voice would be steady. "Fine," Narco loudly said, making Lewis wince. The frustration and clear anger in Narco's voice burned him.

"Get ready to go grocery shopping." Narco barked as he went to his bedroom, shutting the door after he entered. Lewis sat, contemplating his life choices. After a few minutes of rummaging noises from the bedroom, Narco appeared wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

Narco glared at the lone man, "Get up."

Lewis obliged and followed Narco outside. He was sulking and his sluggish steps did him no favor.

"Walk faster, will you?" Narco said but slowed his furious pace. Lewis jogged up to catch up as the brown man exited the building.

"Do we have to walk?" He groaned, and Narco turned towards him.

"It's literally two blocks away," Narco said before he turned around again and continued walking.

"It's actually three blocks away." Lewis smirked, entering the grocery store after Narco.

"I have a list," Narco said, rummaging through his pockets and pulling out the crumpled paper.

"Did you get this from the trash?" Lewis dryly remarked, smoothing out wrinkles to understand the words. "Your handwriting is terrible,"

"Shut up." Was the only reply, and Lewis shrugged.

They both searched for the listed items, fooling around with names and discovering new types of milk. Narco became visibly less angry and grumpy than before, even joining in on finding ridiculous items.

The two checked out, each holding a bag full of groceries. They walked towards the tall building with Lewis finding much difficulty in taking the stairs. Lewis had protested against it but Narco had dragged the feeble man to the stairs.

"I. Hate. You." Lewis said, gasping for breath as the other unlocked the door.

"Love you, too." Narco rolled his eyes and took the groceries to the kitchen.

"My family disowned me. Well... technically I disowned them," Lewis huffed as he closed the door.

"What?" Narco asked, ears perking up.

Lewis scratched his head, walking towards the bedroom. "They said I am a disgrace and that Elese should have killed Rose. Blah, blah, blah," Lewis said as he spun two times and landed on the comfortable bed. His eyes automatically closed, the springs of the mattress massaging sore points and molding to his body. "And they want to meet you."

"That's terrible! How— Are you alright?" Lewis glared at him, which was positive enough. Nonetheless, Lewis nodded. "Wait— What do you mean they want to meet me?" He stared at Lewis, streaks of disbelief on his face.

The writer shrugged, waving his hands as if that explained everything. "They want to meet you. Well, father does." There was a silent question there. Do you want to? Still, Narco couldn't help but feel apprehensive.


"Do I look like I fucking know?" There was an agitated scowl on Lewis' face. "What about you?" Lewis asked, brows furrowed.

Narco opened his mouth, words failing to convey his confusion. Lewis sighed in irritation. His eyebrows rose as he understood the question.

"I don't have a family to disown. The only people I needed to come out to were my friends, they already knew." Narco shrugged, laying besides Lewis.

Lewis chuckled and turned his face towards Narco. There was no bitterness in his voice. He wondered if that was true; if it was possible to be a saint even through the shit Narco had been through, or if it was just an act to mask a reservoir of darkness.

"You won't leave me, right?" Lewis' voice was small and tender when he asked that question. Narco was shocked, but he smiled at him.

"Never. Even if you are tired of me, I won't leave you." Narco whispered, touching Lewis' hair. Lewis smiled, worry melting off his face in an instant.

"Promise?" Lewis held out his pinky finger.

Narco chuckled but hooked his pinky to Lewis', "Promise."

They laid in each other's arms, talking about things that ranged from science to artists to books to conspiracies.

"Tired?" Narco asked when Lewis yawned and his speech became slurred. Harsh spots of skin under Lewis' eyes came to focus, grey stark against porcelain.

"A bit, yeah," Lewis didn't deny the obvious as he spread his arms across the bed.

"Go to sleep, Lewis. Jack and Katie will be here to help." Narco sat up and removed himself from the bed. "Sleep tight," He said, hesitating a moment before pecking Lewis on his forehead, and walked away.

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