[ 36 ]

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"Wake up, babe,"

"Argh, one minute,"

"Breakfast is getting cold!" Lewis scolded as he grabbed the heavy blanket and tossed it to the side. Narco whined and groaned, finally waking up and going to the bathroom.

"Stop whining! You have to submit your paintings, remember?" He said before disappearing to the kitchen. The house was quiet without Rose and her constant laughter. He missed her but he was going to bring her back from her sleepover tomorrow.

"I already did that yesterday...?"

"What? When?"

Narco rolled his eyes, ruffling his hair and plopping onto the sofa. "You were snoring when I moved them away."

Lewis shrugged, returning to pouring syrup on the warm pancakes. "There you go," He balanced two plates, and placed them in front of a yawning and stretching Narco.

Narco took a bite, immediately groaning when sugar coated his tongue, "Oh, fuck, you make great pancakes,"

Lewis sat down next to the sleepy man and dug into his own breakfast.

"Do you want to go to a restaurant or anywhere?" Narco asked, looking at the thoughtful and lost man. The refined black hair was transparent in the light, allowing streaks of warm yellow to paint white skin.

"I don't know...? You can if you want." Lewis replied. He was not sure where this was going.

"Do you want to go to an amusement park?" Narco asked before plopping another piece of pancake into his mouth.

"You know I don't like crowds. If you wanna go on a date, you know my plans." Lewis rolled his eyes, glancing at Narco. He understood what his companion had said. Lewis's perfect date plan was watching trashy movies, and pizza. Anything mildly expensive would mean he felt guilty. Even though Narco had money to spend, it always made him guilty that he never got to pay for anything.

The man scrunched his face at the look Narco was giving him, warm and cute and affectionate. He could feel his face heating up. Lewis quickly finished his food, and grabbed Narco's empty plate.

"Which movie?" He heard Narco ask from the living room.

"Romcoms? They seem pretty trashy to me." Lewis shrugged, cleaning the dishes and putting them back in place.

"Yes!" Narco squealed, running to the kitchen. "Really?" Romantic comedies were trashy and cheesy and that's why Narco liked them. It was so much fun to nitpick the characters with Jack while Katie cried and told them to shut up.

Lewis turned around, smiling at how happy Narco looked. He felt his own smile blooming.

"Yes," He sighed, being lifted up by strong arms. He giggled, lightly slapping the arms to let go.

"Oh my god, I'm going to have a field day!" Narco laughed. He couldn't help but notice another part of his life Lewis was encroaching. He didn't mind.

"Popcorn?" Lewis asked and received a quick nod.

Narco soon went to the living room, choosing three movies to watch. "I know just the right movie!" He exclaimed as he looked at the two people dancing in the poster. Bright indigo sky, yellow dress, happy in their little world.

Three movies later, the two laid cuddled in each other's arms.

"The last one was pretty good," Lewis said, curling his finger around a wayward strand of golden hair. The coarse yet velvety locks wrapped around his fingers — familiar, cozy, comforting. He hadn't noticed the light brown flecks in the pool of chocolate, glowing with ethereal beauty. The warmth you'd want to fall back on after a tiresome day, whispered conversations over coffee, giggles chasing tears away, words left unsaid to discern.

"Yeah, almost made me cry," Came the reply. Narco softly patted the black locks and ran his tan fingers through them. They were silky smooth, light making thin strands iridescent and magical. He noticed eyes staring at him, so he turned to give a glance.

Lewis held in his choking breath. The confusion-filled glance, a small scrunch of his nose, curiously narrowed eyes. He didn't understand why the movements were amplified or why the world was burning at the tip of his fingers or why his heart was filled with viscous, leaping warmth.

"We wasted so much time." Lewis said, diverting his eyes.

"It was fun, wasn't it?" Narco smiled, looking at the rolling credits. Lewis yawned, nodded, and rubbed his eyes. "So..." An awkward pause, sigh, and small groan. "I want to take you to dinner. Will you uh— like... want to come?" Narco blushed, internally wincing, turned his face away.

Lewis grinned, looking at the red cheeks and straining his neck to kiss it. "Yes,"

Narco snapped his head towards Lewis, surprise coloring his face. He thought he was going to be rejected. Well, it had gone spectacularly last time, his mind supplied. He grimaced. Lewis frowned in confusion, lips still in a smile. It painted the perfect reaction for a polite 'what the fuck is wrong with you'. Narco smiled at the thought, and leaned down to give an unhurried kiss to needy lips.

Lewis giggled when Narco pulled him closer. He rested his head against the firm shoulder. Lewis patted the tan cheek as Narco scrolled through his phone.

"What?" The man finally looked at him, eyes curious.

"Give me the attention I need," Lewis purred, grabbing the unwavering attention of Narco. The other grinned and attacked him with soft kisses that covered every inch of his face.

His breath caught in his chest when rough hands skimmed over his sides. He shivered, eyes seeking the other's. A lone strand of brown hair touched his jaw. And he was suddenly aware of musky cologne and the heat trapped between their bodies.

A malicious grin stretched Narco's lips. Lewis' eyebrows furrowed in confusion but the expression melted to be molded into shrieks and giggles when Narco tickled him.

"N-Narco!" He hiccupped, clutching his sides and prying the hands away from his torso. Narco laughed as he looked at him, breathless and red.

Narco hugged the man and swung side to side as he clutched Lewis. The pale man patted Narco, nesting his face in the crook of the other's neck.

They were perfectly satisfied besides each other.

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