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Narco looked after his boyfriend and Rose.

Lewis had been coming home late because of work. The bags underneath his eyes said that he wasn't getting much rest. The tired sighs when he came home and crashed on his bed. Morning till night.

"Babe, you need to rest." Narco said, turning around to face the exhausted man laid on their bed.

A small frown appeared on the pale face. "Yeah, yeah," Lewis waved a dismissive hand, planting his face in the mattress.

"Seriously." Narco huffed in annoyance. He reached out to touch the dark circles under his boyfriend's eyes. The contrast was too sharp.

"Ugh," Lewis pretended to be annoyed but leaned into the soft touch.

Narco sighed as he pecked the tired man on his forehead, "Goodnight, Sunshine,"

"Gurnigh," Lewis yawned and closed his heavy eyelids.

Narco admired the sleeping beauty next to him. The way the small creases relaxed as he went to sleep, the way the worry and trouble melted off his face. The way Lewis managed to look like an angel but Narco himself looked like the devil reincarnated.

"Stop staring, you creep," Lewis murmured, eyes fluttering open and looking at the shocked man.

"Can't sleep?" Narco raised an eyebrow. Lewis shook his head, huffing and sitting up.

"Too bad," Narco shrugged, doing the same and engulfing the small hands in his. "You must be tired, Lew."

"Same goes for you. You've been working on that massive painting for a month." Lewis said, lifting Narco's chin up and searching for any injuries.

Narco softly laughed, shaking his head as he propped his elbows on his knees and rested his face on rough palms.

"Twenty questions?"

"It'll be a miracle if we even get to five," Lewis muttered, clamping his jaw shut to stop his yawn. Narco laughed, a deep, soothing sound to his ears. "Ask away,"

"Favorite drink other than coffee,"

"Ugh, you made it so difficult," Lewis rolled his eyes, "Hmm..." Narco shoved him gently, fake annoyance on his face. "Water."

"Really, Lew?" He got a confident grin in reply. "Tea,"

"Favorite season?"

Narco wrinkled the bridge of his nose, fingers rubbing his cheeks, "Monsoon, maybe? I like cold weather and rain's fun, too. I like the smell of wet soil, fresh and all,"


"I'm sorry?"

"The smell of soil after rain is called petrichor." Lewis mumbled, voice on the edge of sleep.

Narco chuckled with amusement. "You remembered that but couldn't remember the word for 'feeling of pity',"

"I get sympathy and empathy mixed up sometimes! And it was just once!" Lewis glared, his defensive side rising. "God, you're so frustrating."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Sunshine," Narco replied with a smug grin. "Now you,"

"Now me what?"

"Favorite season," Narco rolled his eyes, letting his head fall on Lewis' shoulder. He felt the hum as Lewis thought.


Narco looked up, eyes connecting with Lewis', and blushed. Perhaps it was too personal to ask because Lewis didn't elaborate, but the question left his mouth: "Why?"

He saw Lewis' lips tipping into a smile, eyes glimmering in the dark. His breath caught, the room nothing but black with Lewis glowing. His ribs felt too small for his heart, caging instead of protecting. Pink lips moved and eyes shifted to him in question.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

Lewis huffed in annoyance, "It's beautiful. Red and orange, reminds me of sunsets. The plants are ready for rebirth, a new cycle of life... and it's comforting in a weird way," He looked at Narco with a strange smile, unsure and hesitant. Narco's lungs faltered.

"That's very poetic and all. I..." He broke off at Lewis' laugh, full and rich and smooth against his beating heart. Maybe he was awkward because the way Lewis spoke had unnerved him. "We should go out sometime. Maybe a little date that I won't fuck up," He looked at Lewis, hair covering molten eyes.

"That'd be nice," Lewis agreed, his hair moving from its usually still position when he nodded. It fell to cover his eyes. "I thought about therapy and... I think I'm going..."

"Really?" Narco's eyes widened, his head tilted.

"Still playing?" At Narco's unimpressed look, Lewis laughed. "Really," Lewis shrugged. His eyes shifted, catching the dim lights, lips pressed thin. Narco waited patiently, knowing that whatever was going to be said would be difficult to say. "I'm just scared that they'll judge me. Judge me for my past and how I function. I'm scared, Narco. Added bonus: I have to meet my parents on Friday. It's going to be a shitshow."

"I'll come with you, Sunshine. You don't need to face them alone," Narco's face turned sour. The idea of even calling them his precious sunshine's parents disgusted him.

"You really don't—"

"I will. Don't worry, you aren't a bother to me." Narco reassured as he tightened his grip on their intertwined hands. Lewis slowly nodded, sighed, looking at his watch. He rubbed his forehead, remembering that his schedule would be packed on Thursday. "You should sleep," Narco softly said as he cradled Lewis in his arms, and laid him down.

Lewis grunted, "You don't have to leave seven million miles between us while we sleep."

"Sorry," Narco squeaked, shifted closer to fill the large gap. He awkwardly put his arms above Lewis and pulled the other closer until their bodies fused together, secure in each other's arms. Narco breathed in the smell of sweet tangerines and slowly found himself drifting to sleep.

"Goodnight, Narco," Lewis smiled, resting his hand on limp arms.

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