[ 19 ]

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"Lewis, you'll not believe this! M-My painting is sold!" Narco was screaming with joy. He refused to believe it was real. Somehow, he had hit the jackpot. "And guess what? It's the same guy!" He laughed in disbelief.

"That's good to hear. I'm in a meeting right now. We can talk about it all day later, 'kay?" Lewis sadly hung up. He could feel Narco frowning and pouting from the other side. Lewis entered the conference room again, resuming his meeting with the publishers.

They discussed the format, covers, designs and everything in the span of two hours. Lewis packed his files and laptop with a faint smile.

"Are you happy now?" Daniel asked, patting his back.

"I guess, thanks," He muttered, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Lewis saw a man walk into the room. It was Jack. The tall manager grinned when he spotted the two, making a sharp turn towards them.

"Hey!" Jack greeted Daniel with a hug. Lewis raised an eyebrow, suspicious of the two already. Jack had his arms around Daniel's shoulder, massaging it with no subtlety.

"When did you two meet?" Lewis asked, suspicion lingering in his narrowed eyes.

"The art gallery," Jack replied in a heartbeat, looking at Daniel, who was shifty.

"Oh," Lewis dryly said, trying to piece it together. He looked at his friend. "Dan, we need to talk,"

Daniel sighed, nodded, and freed himself from the arm around his shoulder. He followed his friend outside. Jack simply talked with the editor for the time being, trying not to let wariness creep into him.

"Are you fucking Jack?" Lewis asked, getting straight into the topic.

"N—" Daniel tried to lie but he knew better than to lie to Lewis. "Yeah," He shyly admitted, face flushing bright red.

"Since when?" He didn't mean to be rude, he was only confused.

Daniel shifted, "The first time we went to the gallery."

"Oh, so that's where you left!" Lewis exclaimed, pieces coming together.

"Don't get the wrong idea! We just ate dinner that night!" Daniel scratched his neck, coughing afterwards. Lewis smirked, knowing the mannerisms all too well.

"Sureeeeee—" Lewis teased, winking at the bright red man in front of him.

"Shut it." Daniel said, nervously laughing before joining Jack inside.

Lewis was happy for his friend. Daniel didn't date anymore and here he was, laughing and smiling with Jack. It made him smile. His phone vibrated, snatching him out of his thoughts. He looked at the caller, accepting it instantly.

"Hey," Narco greeted, sounding tired.

"What's wrong?" Lewis asked, brows creased in confusion and worry.

"Katie, Jack, Daniel, me and you are going to a bar. Tomorrow." Narco said, immediately cursing when his sentence finished.

"At least it's on a Friday," Lewis said, ruffling his styled hair. "Bye. Have to go home and write and all that shit," He muttered and hung up. Daniel and Jack left to god-knows-where, leaving him alone.

Lewis drove silently, humming tunes as he waited at a red light. He reached home earlier than anticipated. It was already three in the afternoon and Sam was probably bringing Rose home. Lewis started cooking something before Rose came home. He wasn't feeling very hungry, and he didn't care. He just wanted to finish his work and have a peaceful Friday night. But he remembered the plans and groaned.

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