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"Pops, you're making us late!"

"Alright, alright, if you'd just let me— Where did you hide my shoes?"

The stifled giggle made him look up, glaring at her. "What?" She asked, feigning innocence.

"So we're not late anymore, my highness?" He raised an eyebrow, eyes demanding answers. She twirled strands of her black hair, head tilted, regarding him with amused eyes.

"Don't whinge about it. It's somewhere in the kitchen," She rolled her icy eyes, leaning against the doorframe, looking at her black nails.

He gawped, speechless, and then incredulity sparked his voice, "Why would you leave shoes in the kitchen? Do you know how unhygienic—"

"You didn't say that when you picked up chocolate from the kitchen floor!"

"It fell under the five-second rule!" He said, rushing to the kitchen.

"No it did not!" Her muffled voice retaliated.

He rolled his eyes, "You're just jealous that I got the last piece. For fuck's sake, where is it?"

"As if!" She shot back easily, distant scoffing being heard. A second's pause, and he could practically hear her evil smile, "In the cupboard,"

He spluttered at that, frantically opening the top cupboards, and finally found his tattered boots nested among the spices. He could hear her laughter ringing through the apartment, and he couldn't bring himself to be angry.

"That's disgusting. And that's why I love you." He grinned as he emerged from the kitchen.

"Raised me right, didn't you," She muttered. The air turned static. Their banter faltered as they stared at each other. Tension filled the room, suppressed yet potent with each breath.

"In a minute," He said after a breath, crouching to tie his laces. She huffed out, muttering a dry 'sorry', and left.

Narco sighed, scrubbing his face with his hands. They were trembling, sheen with sweat. He knew she'd only meant to help and a strangled cry of frustration escaped his lips. It'd be fine. It was nothing, a walk in the park, a piece of cake— except it was everything. The ache in his heart blossomed, dull yet ever-present.

With reluctance, he stood up and left. The drive was silent, stress and awkwardness palpable in the confined space. The car halted in front of a modest house, small enough for a family of two.

"You sure you don't wanna come?" Narco asked after a few minutes of more silence.

Rose turned to him, gave him a stare that saw right through him, and shook her head. Her earrings dangled with it, his eyes focused on them instead of her sapphire eyes. He was stalling.

"Pops, it's fine. I visit Pa like, once a week, you can talk with him." She smiled, unbuckling her seatbelt and dashing out the car.

"Don't give Dan too much trouble, yeah?" He called after her. She gave him her evil grin, winking as she gave a two-fingered salute, and hopped the fence.

He rolled his eyes at her, and stared at the steering wheel. His foot felt stiff, not wanting to press accelerate. He tried to stop his hands from shaking, and it only made it worse. It'd be fine.

As it turned out, it was not fine.

Narco stared at the grey headstone, heart turning cold and stopping, mouth suddenly dry. Sharp wind tousled his hair, grated his chapped lips, stung his wide eyes.

He shut his eyes, seeing flashes of dilated eyes locking into his, a final scream, trembling body. Lewis' last word to him had been 'Idiot', and he smiled against all odds because he truly was an idiot for coming back every time. He felt a tug against his heart, and finally gained enough courage to sit by the foot of the grave.

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