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'Twas the day of Narco's paintings to be shown. He was dressed in a black suit with a t-shirt underneath, black jeans tight. Casual but not too professional. He was nervous as ever when he saw people walking in.

Jack was besides him in a proper suit and wouldn't stop nagging him about his attire. Katie was going to come with Alex, a friendly gesture they had said. He just wanted to see pale skin and black hair amongst the crowd.

He was not disappointed when he saw Lewis and Daniel walk in. Narco waved with a smile and their eyes caught him. Jack and Narco walked towards the two standing near the entrance.

Daniel looked dashing as ever, black shirt and jeans with golden hair parted to the side. Lewis was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He looked adorable, if Narco did say so himself.

"Hey, it's nice seeing you again, Daniel!" Narco hugged the blond and stepped aside. "This is Jack Ember, my friend slash manager." Narco introduced and the three shook hands.

"Lets go, then," Jack said, leading the way to the awkward group of three walking behind him.

Lewis didn't seem interested in any paintings he was shown and shied away when he got too close to Narco. Finally, it was Narco's paintings coming to view. Lewis suddenly was very interested, eyes alert and present.

"So, uh, this is a landscape painting I did. When I visited France, I believe," Narco stammered and they nodded along. They moved past many paintings with short descriptions given by the artist himself. The last painting captured Lewis' attention.

A serene lake with flowers around it, tall mountains being reflected in still water. The calm, light blue tranquilized him. He wished to be in the painting, to submerge himself in the cold water. Take a deep breath and go under, lose himself in the dark depths to never resurface again. Lewis shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. The painting didn't radiate calm anymore, Lewis noticed. It was darker — deeper colors turning more prominent, turning malicious in front of his very eyes.

"That's it, guys. Nothing more left." Narco dismissed with an air of relief, awkwardness radiating off him in waves.

The group lingered and walked around the gallery for a moment before they decided to return home. Daniel was Lewis' ride for today but he was missing... again. Jack was also missing which led to assumptions about the two in his mind. He groaned in frustration, turned around, and smacked into Narco.

"Sorry!" He squeaked and took a hasty step back.

"Narco," Lewis said, looking into the brown pools of the other's eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck, apprehension coiling in his stomach. "Will you have dinner with me?" He was red by the time he managed to squeak out the request. What in the name of the seven deadly sins prompted him to ask! He would get rejected, be the butt of jokes. This was not his standard procedure.

"Sure...?" Narco was weirded out by the unusual behavior of his 'friend'. And he didn't have the heart to reject it either, not when Lewis looked like he wanted to die in a ditch.

Lewis got his ability to breathe back, and he unknowingly exhaled a shaky breath.

They both walked across the street and around the corner where a small restaurant was located. Narco had said it was the best, and who was Lewis to argue.

The scent of food lingered in Lewis' nostrils as they entered the warm building. It was cozy and inviting. The soft brown wooden interior amplified the feeling.

They both tucked themselves in the corner booth. A waitress came and took their order.

"I'm sorry for that night," Narco sincerely said. Lewis choked on his water. "I know I was way out of line and being drunk doesn't excuse it. I'm sorry if I invaded your personal space and made you feel uncomfortable." His eyes looked up to see, the receiver sat with an agape mouth.

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