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Frank POV

Oh gods. I asked Hazel out to go see infinity war (A/N Spidy and everyone I miss you). I have heard it was a good movie so I wasn't worried about that. I was worried about what was going to happen through out our date, I think. I don't even know if this is a date.

I took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror in my cabin bathroom. Chiron said we could go. Yesterday I asked Piper what to wear and she got me a light cyan v-neck shirt. She also got me light colored pants. I got my bow and arrows just in case. I fixed my hair.

I walked out of my cabin and headed for the Hades cabin. I knocked on the door and saw Nico open with Will on the floor with some cards in front of him.

"Hi Frank! Hurt my sister I will send you to the fields of punishment" Nico said

I gulped and nodded

"Coming!!" I heard Hazel say from the bathroom.

She headed out and I froze

"Don't threaten Frank ,Nico." She said frowning

She was beautiful. She had her hair down with a gold headband with silver leaves. She had a light purple dress with silver and gold swirls and designs in it and black leggings. She had gold flats and some slight mascara and only a little of purple eyeshadow with a neutral pink lip stick color.

I finally realized I was staring and looked down as I blushed. She was blushing too.

"Ready?" I asked

She smiled and walked out with me into a car that Chiron let us borrow (he ships them). It took about 30 minutes before we got to the cinema. I paid for our tickets and bought Hazel a lemonade and popcorn and bought myself a Coke with popcorn. We were going to see it in 3D so we got our glasses and sat down at our seats.

The movie started and Hazel was laughing because of Loki's death. We got deeper into the movie and Hazel cried at almost every death. I wrapped my hands around her and comforted her.

We sat there watching the movie and hugging each other.

The end came and now me and Hazel were both crying over Thanks winning. Especially Spider-Man's death. (AN: love you Tom) We got out of the movie theater and I saw Hazels mascara running down her face. She was still beautiful.

She was frowning and I couldn't bare to see that. I did the crazy and tried to cheer her up with a...

Kiss. I cupped her cheek and pecked her on the lips. She blushed and pulled me back down to her and kissing me passionately. We broke apart both blushing like crazy. We held hands and got in the car.

During the car ride I broke the silence

"Hazel...I-I love you" I said

She blushed and looked at me

"Me too"

I blushed and once we got to camp I hugged her and pecked her on the cheek as we both went back to our cabins.

I could hear squealing in the Hades cabin when I left and jumping

I smiled and went off to my cabin

I silently squealed and pumped my fist in the air.

I love Hazel. No one could ever change my mind about that

AN I know it is a short one but it is something and I did this in like 10 minutes so shhhhh

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