Yanny or Laurel??? Pt.2

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Will POV

I kept tickling Nico until tears filled his eyes.

"MWAHAHHAHAHA BOW DOWN TO ME!!" I said to Nico. He stopped laughing and looked at me with a glare. He flipped my around and strangled my waist with his legs

"I'm the king here...the ghost king" he said while brushing my hair off my face

I blushed and kissed his lips. "Cutest king ever!!!"

Nico rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed.

"Aww we were just having fun!!" I whined while smirking

Nico sighed and facepalmed. "Will I'm fifteen...."

I shrugged and stood up. Nico went for the door but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.


"Shhh wait...." I said and went by the window at the side of the cabin. I opened it and carefully stepped out. I dragged Nico behind me and he just sighed. I walked to the side of the wall and peaked out to the front door.

Nico snorted at what he saw and I raised an eyebrow. Jason and Percy were at the door with a camera and a microphone. Jason's ear was on the door while he was shushing Percy.

"Do you think they got it on?" Percy asked Jason while trying to also hear through the door

"Not sure.....can't hear anything" Jason said trying to get any noise.

"Nico. I have an idea" I said while giggling

Nico smirked and crossed his arms while he looked at me. "Spill"

(5 very giggly minutes later)

Jason's POV

I pressed my ear up to the door again and got closer when I heard a shuffle inside.

"You got something bro?" Percy asked. I told him to hear and he pressed his ear against the door too

"Will you sure you wanna do this?" I heard Nico ask

"Yep!" Will said

I couple second later I heard panting and a bed creaking. (Stay with me dudes) oh lord. I heard groans

"Will I'm tired and sweaty"

"Oh you are committed to this death boy" Will said

I couldn't take it anymore. I looked at Percy and he was red. He nodded and I burst through the door.

"YOU ARE HAVING SEX!!!" I yelled while Percy held a camera recording all this

"Did you use protection?" Percy asked

Will was smiling while sitting down on the bed and panting. Nico was laying down completely out of breath

"I didn't think this would involve so much energy" Nico said

Will smiled. "We were doing flips across the beds"

"So you are still virgins??" Percy asked raising an eyebrow

"Percy I'm 15" Nico said rolling his eyes

Will laughed then raised an eyebrow at Nico. "Aren't you like 90 something??"

".....my body is of a fifteen year old" he replied

Will looked at Percy and I and shooed us away

"BUT SOLANGELO"  Percy and I said at the same time

"Bro" Percy looked at me while smiling

"Bro!!" I replied



"I gotta tell Annabeth about this" he said

I smiled and linked my arms with his. We skipped away to the Athena cabin while we heard a burst of laughter behind us

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