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Nico POV

Lovely. I'm just sitting on my bed looking at my mythomagic cards when Annabeth busts in my cabin with a wicked grin and a pair of scissors in her hand. She was breathing heavily and her eyes shone like a maniac

"Ahh someone finally is putting me out of my misery" I said sarcastically. Not really since I could never leave Will. I crossed my arms and leaned against the bed frame

Annabeth rolled her eyes and sighed

"Now, tell my why you have scissors?" I asked Annabeth while looking at her grip tighten around the weapon.

"Oh I just thought you needed a haircut!!" She said smiling innocently

My eyes widened and I tensed. I stood up and backed up against the wall. "No please not my hair!!!" I said and slowly walked closer to the window

She saw what I was doing a charged I summoned a skeleton to hold her back for just a few seconds before I opened the window and jumped out. I landed and made a oof sound.

I heard Annabeth run towards the window and I stood up and started running.

Please please not my hair!! I pleaded silently to my father. He loved his long hair and would hate anyone touching it

I thought I heard a chuckle in my head before I ignored it, I heard Annabeth right at my heels.

I was running out of breath after a few laps around the camp but I couldn't risk slowing down. I got a lot of strange looks from other campers. Not that they cared about me. Where was Will when I needed him??!! This is why his boyfriend is better than mine...

I froze when I noticed silence. Nothing but the sound of swords clanking and campers talking. No Annabeth in sight. I ran behind a tree and pressed my back up against it breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

I looked around and saw and heard nothing!! I heard a crack above me and by the time I realized it, Annabeth jumped down from the tree and pinned me to the ground.


"No Annabeth please it's too precious!!!" I said while blocking her attempts to cut my hair. I knew she was bored and probably doing this for fun

"Nico if you don't cut your hair people will think you are a girl!" She said struggling to reach my hair.


She rolled her eyes. I flipped us around and quickly got off her and ran to a shadow. I let the shadows dissolve me and let the cold feeling run up my spine and thought about the infirmary.

I reappeared there where Will was treating a bleeding Percy. Of course.

"STOP ANNABETH BEFORE SHE MURDERS ME" I said leaning against a wall to steady myself. Will finally allowed me to shadow travel after taking care of me.

Will looked worried and finished up with Percy while Percy looked at me confused with a slight smirk.

I heard Annabeth running to the infirmary. "NICO PLEASE IM BORED!!!!"

Percy raised an eyebrow at me and hugged Annabeth by the waist when she came running in. She immediately relaxed and dropped the scissors.

Will frowned and put the scissors back on the counter. "I'm so confused....."

"Are you a dumb fuck cause she's trying to cut my hair??" I asked him. He smiled and kissed my on my forehead

"You are adorable when angry death boy" he said calmly

Annabeth blushed at our cuteness. "Welp thanks for the run Nico!!! I was just bored and wanted to get your to exercise!" She said and grabbed Percy's and and walked out smiling

I frowned and scrunched my eyebrows. "That little piece of shi-

Will covered my mouth and glanced over at a child getting tended by another Apollo child

I rolled my eyes and locked Wills hand.

He removed it and kissed my lips passionately. I pulled away and he frowned and pouted

"There are children Will......later" I said smirking

He blushed and held my hand. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles. "Gotta get back to work anyways. Later honey! Love ya!" He said while winking and taking care of the child

I wrinkled my nose and smirked.

Love you too

I got tagged. That's the next chapter

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