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Annabeth's POV

That's was it. My life was over. He was gone because I didn't try hard enough to get him. Racheal asked Percy out and he said yes.

You know what's worse? Racheal was my best friend when Piper was off with Jason and Hazel at Camp Jupiter. She was there for me.

I told her I had a crush on Percy. Actually it wasn't just a dumb crush. I was in love with Percy. I would do anything for him. Heck I'd even fall into Tartarus for him (hehe)

You know what's even worse? Percy came to ask me how to date a girl. Me. Annabeth Chase. How to date?


Of course I helped him but I couldn't help but feel anger boil inside of me when he asked me. I held it in and told him to meet me later by the beach.

Currently I was sitting in my bed trying to read a book. It was the Harry Potter series. Every word that I read relaxed me but not for long since he popped into my mind. Soon I couldn't concentrate on my book and slammed it shut. I sighed and flopped it to the side of me. I looked at the ceiling and counted. It was the best way to get him out of my mind

"Percy problems" Amy asked me. Amy was my sister. She had dark brown hair and grey eyes. She was only 11. She loved reading and was a serious fangirl.

I nodded. She sighed and sat down next to me.

"Annabeth, you need to talk to him. This won't get better if you keep this up. I want the best for you and I think if he doesn't understand you then he isn't worth your time. Although you would be very cute together. Promise you will talk to him about this." She said and put a hand on my shoulder

I smiled. "Ok mom" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I just want the best for you Annabeth"

"Ugh fine" I replied and hugged her. She smiled and looked around. She picked up my book and flipped through the pages

"You just now are reading the series?" She asked

I rolled my eyes

"Well sorry I was too busy you know....saving the world" I said crossing my arms

"Ok Annie" she giggled and stood up

"Anyways I gotta go" She said and walked out of the cabin. 

I really did love Amy. She was the best little sister I could have. No offense other sisters.

I sighed and walked out of the cabin to the beach. I took off my shoes and let my bare feet walk across the hot sand. I shaded my eyes from the sun and looked around for Percy.

He was sitting with his elbows supporting him while letting his toes play with the sand. He had shark shorts and his camp t-shirt. Adorable.

I walked up to him and sat next to him. He looked at me and smiled

"Hey Wise girl!" He said hugging me.

"Hi Percy. So what is your problem?" I said and let go of him.

"Well you see...I like this girl. No wait understatement. I love this girl. But I don't think she liked me back. Then Racheal asked me out and being the nice Percy I am....I said yes. I don't know what to do and even if I ask this girl I love out...I don't know how to date." He said

"Huh" I said curiously

Translation; my heart is breaking and being stomped on then burned to ashes

"So..." he said

"Oh yeah umm. The dating part. It depends on the type of girl. You need to figure out what she likes and then get and idea from there. Be patient with her and make her feel comfortable." I said. I was slightly surprised I knew about this. "For the Racheal thing, you just need to tell her the truth."

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