Chapter 42 - Getting ready for the vision.

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"Hi," said the vampires as they got off the bus.

We started walking home.

"Remember what I told you, Esme," said Bailey.

"Yes, tomorrow night," said Esme.

"What's tomorrow night?" asked Conner.

"Yeah, what is it?" asked the vampires.

"The vision is tomorrow night," said Bailey.

"No, it can't be," said Conner angrily.

"Yes, it is," said Bailey.

"I like the vision and hate it at the same time. I wish it wasn't happening. Only if your visions weren't true, but I like that it's true," said Conner.

"You do?" asked Bailey.

"No, I don't know," said Conner annoyed.

"Knock, Knock!"

"Hello," said Gracy as she opened the door.

"Hi," said Esme and the vampires.

"Do you have any homework?" asked Rosalie.

"No," we answered.

"That's weird. You better not be lying," said Rosalie.

"We're not," we answered.

"Rosalie, can I drive Esme to the mall?" asked Bailey.

"Okay," said Rosalie.

"Mom, can I go to George's pizza restaurant tomorrow?" asked Esme.

No one said no because they knew the vision was going to happen anyway.

"I heard the new recipe is actually really good,"said Bailey.

"Please, can I go?" asked Esme.

"Fine," said Rosalie.

Bailey and I walked outside and I went into her pretty, pink convertible.

"What are we going shopping for?" I asked.

"Your dress," said Bailey.

"I'm just.... oh, please don't tell me that's your vision," said Esme.

"Yes," said Bailey.

When we got inside the mall, Bailey kept trying to pick out my dress.

"What color do you want?" asked Bailey.

"Turquoise," said Esme.

We searched for a turquoise and found one.

"Perfect," said Bailey.

"Do you want this vision to happen? If you don't like it, don't let the vision happen," said Bailey.

"After I think about, I do want the vision to happen," said Esme.

"So does Conner," said Bailey.

"Ring, Ring!" sang Bailey's phone.

"Hello," said Bailey.

"She did? I'm so sorry. Well, know the vision makes more sense. Bye."

"Who was that?" asked Esme.

"Conner," said Bailey.

"What did he say?" asked Esme.

"Well, his girlfriend broke up with him and in the vision his girlfriend saw you and got jealous, but when I told him the vision, he thought he'd end up cheating on her, and he didn't want to do that," said Bailey.

"Oh, so that's why the vision makes more sense," said Esme.

"Yeah," said Bailey.

"Ring, Ring!" sang Esme's phone.

"Hi!" said Esme.

"Yeah, I know what the vision is now. Thank you! I can't wait! Bye," said Esme as she hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" asked Bailey.

"Conner," said Esme.

"Let's buy jewelry," said Bailey.

"Don't blow your money on me," said Esme.

"It's okay," said Bailey.

We bought turquoise earrings and necklaces.

"Tomorrow, we are going to the salon," said Bailey.

"No, you're spending way too much money," said Esme.

"Well, the truth is, we vampires are really rich,"said Bailey.

"Oh," said Esme.

We started driving back home.

"Knock, Knock!"

Dad opened the door.

"Hello," said dad.

"Hi," we replied.

"What did you buy?" dad asked.

"Nothing," we lied.

We brought the shopping bags upstairs. We walked back downstairs.

"Hi," said Conner.

"Hi," I answered.

"I can't wait till tomorrow night," said Conner.

"Me too," said Esme.

"I'm so sorry," said Esme.

"Did you tell her?" Conner asked Bailey.

"Yes," said Bailey.

"Conner, I need to bring you to the mall now," said Bailey.

"Fine," said Conner.

"Rosalie, see ya later," said Bailey.

"Where are you going?" asked Rosalie.

"I'm bringing Conner to the mall," said Bailey.

"Okay," said Rosalie confused.

"Bye, Esme."

"Bye, Conner," said Esme.

I went upstairs to take a shower. After my shower, I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas. I went to my room and fell asleep, so I wouldn't be tired tomorrow.

"Goodnight, Esme," said Bailey as she walked in the room.

"Hi," said Esme.

"I got him great stuff for tomorrow," said Bailey.

"Thank you!" said Esme.

"You're Welcome!" said Bailey.

"Goodnight," said Bailey.

"Goodnight," said Esme and then fell asleep.

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